Broken Arm ~ Erin!!

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Erin and Jay were running upstairs, and Erin stepped on a loose step, and fell backwards.

"JAY!!" Erin twisted her arm.

Jay looked at Erin, then saw Erin holding her arm.

"W-Woah!!" Jay crouched down.

Erin started crying, it hurt so bad.

"I-It's hurts!!" Erin whimpered.

"I know it does baby, you just pulled a me!!" Jay joked.

Erin gave a look which silenced Jay.

"I-I'll get an ambo..." Jay pulled his cell out.

Erin nodded, and tried breathing through the pain.

"Ambo's on it's way!!" Jay placed his phone in his Jean pocket.

Erin gave a slight nod, and waited.

After Awhile. Brett and Mills freed Erin from the step, and took her to hospital.

"Detective Erin Lindsay, fell down a flight of stairs, possible fractured arm, we gave her 10 of Morphine, and 2g of Paracetamol, she didn't lose consciousness on the fall or on the way here, vomiting was not evident, we packed the arm with cast." Brett explained.

Dr Manning nodded, and led the stretcher to the trauma room.

"J-Jay?" Erin whispered.

Jay held Erin's hand, and comforted.

"I'm here baby, I'm here." Jay smiled.

"Alright, let's take an x-ray of the left arm." Dr Manning suggested.

The technician got the x-ray prepared, and spoke.

"Okay! Everyone clear!!" Luke replied.

"CLEAR!!" Dr Manning yelled.

"X-ray!" Luke pressed the button.

Natalie looked at the x-ray, and it was a clean fracture.

"Alright, Erin, you have a nice, clean fracture, we'll have to pop it back into place, and we'll do an x-ray to confirm, sound good?" Natalie asked.

Erin nodded, and got sedated.

"Alright, sedative is in." April took the syringe away.

"Alright, It's alright to fall asleep , Jay will still be here." Manning reassured.

Erin nodded, and her eyes drooped down.

"321!" Natalie popped the bone back in place.

Erin winced, and sobbed.

"T-That hurt!!" Erin sobbed.

Jay held Erin his arms, and stroked her hair.

"It's alright baby, all done, you were so brave." Jay smiled.

Erin smiled, and sniffled, as April put Erin's arm in a cast.

"Alright, I got your results back, and your arm is back in place." Natalie smiled.

Erin and Jay smiled, and Nat went to get the discharge paperwork.

After a few hours. Jay took Erin to get some comfort food, and they both went home.

Hi My Readers

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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~ stay safe 😊

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