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Jay and Kim were at home, while Jay was getting ready for work.

"So, got your books?" Jay asked.

Kim nodded, and held them.

"Wes, and Mr Turtle." Kim looked down.

Jay could tell something was wrong with his sister.

"Hey, what's up?" Jay put his badge on.

Kim moved her feet, and sniffled.

"Tum tum..." Kim whimpered.

Jay sighed, he really needed to get Kim checked out.

"What, again?" Jay asked.

Kim nodded, and cried.

"Okay, Okay, let me call Jane, see if she can come over." Jay decided.

Kim nodded, and sat on the couch.

As Jay ended the call, he looked at Kim.

"Well, Jane has someone else to babysit, so I guess, your coming into work with me." Jay explained.

Kim nodded, and rubbed her tummy.

"Alright, let's go!" Jay smiled.

Kim grabbed her backpack, and held Jay's hand.

After a few minutes. Jay arrived into the bullpen, with Kim.

"Alright, go lay down in the breakroom, and I'll bring you your, hot water bottle." Jay explained.

Kim tiredly nodded, and walked into the breakroom.

"Hey, Kim okay?" Adam asked.

Jay sat at his desk, and logged on.

"Yeah, she has a tummy ache, I tried calling the sitter, but she was unavailable.." Jay sighed.

The unit nodded, and Kim came walking out.

"Jay Jay!!" Kim cried.

Jay saw his sister, and opened his arms.

"Come here..." Jay whispered.

Kim ran into Jay's warm arms, and sniffled.

"T-Tummy...T-Tummy hurts..." Kim sobbed.

Jay gently bounced Kim in his arms, kissing her head.

"I know, sis, I know.." Jay soothed.

Jay gently rubbed Kim's sore tummy, giving her some comfort.

"It's okay, honey.." Jay reassured.

Erin walked over, and crouched down.

"Hey, Turtle, I hear your tummy's hurting?" Erin held Kim's hands.

Kim nodded, and pouted.

"Well, do you want a, Erin hug?" Erin asked.

Kim nodded, and fell into Erin's arms.

"Oh, my turtle, I got you." Erin whispered.

Kim held Mr Turtle tightly, and leant on Erin's shoulder.

After a few hours. The unit were home, and Kim slept in Jay's room.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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