Coming home!!

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It was the day Erin was finally coming home after spending a month in hospital due to her injuries. 

Erin was sitting on the bed, while Jay was collecting her belongings in the restroom. 

Jay walked out with her washbag, dressing gown, and placed them in the small suitcase, Hank brought with him, when he visited last week. 

"Baby, i got all your stuff in this suitcase." Jay smiled, as he zipped it up. 

Erin looked at Jay, and spoke. 

"Thanks bubba." Erin smiled back. 

"No problem, glad to get outta here"? Jay teased. 

"Jay Halstead you keep me here, or tell your Mr know it all brother of yours, I will start a fight." Erin threatened, as she drew her fist back to prove her point.

Jay held his hands up in surrender, and laughed. 

"Okay, Okay I won't." Jay laughed. 

Erin laughed as well, as Jay went, and helped her off the bed. 

"There you go baby." Jay smiled softly. 

"Thank you." Erin thanked him. 

"No problem." Jay smiled widely. 

Jay picked the suitcase up, and Will walked in the room with a smile. 

"Well, Good morning Lovebirds." Will joked, as he hugged them both. 

"Shut up goofball." Erin giggled. 

"Ready to go home Erin"? Will teased. 

"Will I love you like a brother, please don't tease me, or you'll not like the outcome." Erin smiled. 

Will stepped back, and walked into the wheelchair, then ended up sitting  on it.

"Umm, Erin is the patient not you bro." Jay joked.

"Yeah, I know dumbass, I-I was just you know, testing it." Will saved himself. 

They all giggled, and Erin said her peace about the wheelchair.

"I can walk you know Will, that's what Legs are for." Erin groaned. 

Jay snickered as his girl was sarcastically teasing his brother, and just being her was enough for Jay, he loved Erin. 

"I know, I am doctor, Sorry hospital policy Erin." Will smiled at Erin sweetly. 

"I'd advise you to shut up now." Erin huffed, as she sat down in the wheelchair, and Jay buckled her up. 

"Got it." Will laughed, as he wheeled her out of the room. 

They saw Voight leaning on the car, Erin knew Jay must of called him. 

Will took them outside, and Hank kissed Erin's head. 

"Hi kiddo, how you feeling"? Hank asked, as he nodded to the boys. 

"I'm good thanks dad." Erin sighed.

"Good, let's get you home." Hank smiled. 

"Oh finally." Erin groaned. 

"Oh come on, My company ain't that bad is it"? Will pouted. 

They all sniggered, and Jay plus Voight helped Erin into the car. 

They all said Bye to Will, and Will walked back inside with the wheelchair. 

Jay hopped in the back with Erin, and Erin leant her head on his shoulder. 

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