Jay stops the wedding!!

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Jay and Erin broke up, and It was the day of Erin and Julian's wedding, and Everyone hated it.

Erin was still asleep in bed, until Kim came barging in, and jumping on her bed. 

"WAKE UPPPP" Kim screamed. 

"AHHH, OKAY, OKAY I'M UP" Erin screamed too. 

"It's umm the day of your w-wedding." Kim stuttered, she hated the fact that Erin was getting Married to Julian, and not Jay.

"I-I know." Erin sighed. she didn't wanna marry Julian she wanted to marry Jay, but she couldn't. 

"I got the dress hanging in your closet, so come down when your ready." Kim smiled. 

"Okay Kim." Erin smiled back. 

Kim left the room, and shut the door softly behind her, until she heard the click. 

When Kim left she sent a quick message to Jay.

Jay 😏

Hi Jay, 

I'm so sorry, I love you, and umm I hope I can see you at the Altar.

Erin x 

Erin sent the message to Jay, and placed her phone in her pocket, then left the room. 

Erin smelt bacon, eggs, and toast, as she walked downstairs. 

Kim was drinking coffee, while eating some buttered toast, until she saw Erin. 

"Hey girl, there's some breakfast in the pan, your fav." Kim smiled. 

"Thanks Kim." Erin replied, as she plated up her breakfast. 

The girls sat at the table, and heard the doorbell ring, Erin thought it would be Jay, so she shot up, and ran to the door. 

Kim forgot that Hank was coming round, and kim noticed what she was gonna do, so she said something, but she was too late. 

"Wait, Erin it's not gonna be-. Kim started, then finished after Hank walked in. 

"Jay." Kim sighed. 

"Sorry, was I not who you were expecting." Hank joked, but then saw the frown on Erin's face. 

"I thought you was Jay." Erin frowned. 

"Oh, sorry sweetie." Hank smiled sadly, he never liked Julian, He got on with Jay, but defo not Julian. 

Erin nodded, and ran upstairs, then slammed the door behind her. 

Kim and Hank heard the loud slam, and both sighed. 

"She misses Jay." Hank commented, as he placed the bags on the floor, and took a seat. 

"Yep, she's not happy with Marrying Julian at all, but she's putting on a brave face." Kim sighed. 

"Kim, I have known Jay for a very long time now, he's gonna stop that wedding, I'm telling you." Hank laughed. 

"Yeah, Yeah your right." Kim giggled as well. 

It was Adam, and Kevin at Adam's house getting ready. 

"I wish it was the celebration of Lindsay and Jay, not Julian and Erin." Adam groaned, as he fixed his tie. 

"Me too, but I know Jay will do everything in his power to stop that wedding." Kevin smiled, as he placed his blazer on.

"Yep, your right Kev." Adam smiled back. 

The boys laughed, and walked out of the bedroom, getting ready to go to the Altar. 

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