Where's Erin?

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It was one morning, and Jay woke up to an empty bed, and was so confused that Erin was not in bed with him.

"Baby." Jay yelled.

Nothing but his voice calling out for his girl.

"ERIN." Jay screamed.

Nothing response.

"Fuck this." Jay mumbled, as he pulled the covers off him, and shot straight out bed.

Jay got out of his sweats, and got into a black shirt, and camel colored Jeans, as he shut his closet.

Jay ran downstairs, and noticed nothing was on.

"Erin, this isn't funny." Jay laughed nervously, as he searched the house.

Jay kept calling out her name, until he saw a note placed on table.

"What the hell." Jay muttered, as he picked up the Note, and read it.

Dear Jay,

"I got your beautiful girlfriend, she can sure put up one hell of a fight, but we calmed her down for now, she's safe with me, you got till 12:30 to get my cash, no cash, no girl."

From V.

Jay was fuming, that sick son of bitch had his girl, he had His Erin, and he was going to do everything he can to save her.

"Fuck, Dammit." Jay whispered, as he leant over the counter.

Jay ran to the door, as he placed his trainers on, and left the apartment, and locked the door, then went to his car.

Jay turned his lights on, so he could run all the stop signs, he eventually made it to the District.

Jay hopped out, and locked his car, then ran up the stairs inside the district, where he got met with Platt.

"Hi chuckles." Platt smiled.

Jay just waved, and headed up the stairs to the bullpen, where he could warn the team.

This worried Trudy, normally Jay had a sassy comeback, this is what Erin normally does when she doesn't wanna talk.

Jay made it upstairs, and went straight to his computer, which shocked the whole team.

"Oh, Hello to you too Halstead." Antonio Joked, but soon stopped, as he saw Jay scrolling through databases.

"Yo, Jay." Adam raised an eyebrow.

They were all worried about Jay not talking, so Voight decided to speak up next.

"Jay, what's going on?" Hank asked, as he crossed his arms.

"They got Erin." Jay mumbled, as he looked for every person in the offender database.

The whole gasped, they all had no idea, and Hank had steam coming out of his Ear holes.

"I'm sorry what?" Kevin asked.

"They got Erin, I woke up to an empty side, and I thought Erin was pulling a prank on me, but then I noticed a letter on the table, it's awful hank." Jay explained, as he faced the team.

The whole team was in a state of shock, and hurt, they had their best mate.

"Okay, they have my daughter, they have our sister, and girlfriend, Let's get to it." Voight ordered.

They all logged straight on, and Hank came round to comfort Jay.

"We'll find her Jay, I promise." Hank placed a hand on his detective's back. 

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