~Alvin's death~

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Hank was rushing into Med, and found Alvin's hospital bed.

"ALVIN!" Hank yelled.

Two security guards stepped in front of Hank.

"I'm Chicago P.D, get out of my way!" Hank flashed his badge.

The Guards stepped away, and Hank held onto the bars on Alvin's bed.

"Stay with me, Al!" Hank whispered.

Alvin coughed, and whispered.

"I-I got this, Man!" Alvin whispered.

Hank nodded, and rubbed his hand over Al's head.

"You hang in there..." Hank ordered.

"I got this.." Alvin mouthed.

Hank nodded, and got stopped.

Hank sighed, and sat down on the chairs.

After a few minutes. Hank stood up, and saw a nurse.

"Hey, how's my partner?" Hank wondered.

The Nurse shook his head, and explained.

"I'm sorry, he didn't make it..." The Nurse explained.

Hank nodded, and the nurse walked off.

"God!" Hank muttered.

Hank thought about how he was gonna tell his unit.

Hank stood up, and walked to the unit.

The unit were in the waiting room, and saw Hank.

Hank walked in, and looked at his unit.

After a second. Hank shook his head, meaning Al was no longer with them.

Everyone crumbled, and Kim broke out into sobs.

Adam noticed his wife, breaking down.

Adam embraced Kim, while crying himself.

Erin sat down, and saw Jay storm out.

Kevin sighed, and placed a hand on Erin's shoulder.

Erin smiled sadly, and Trudy sobbed in Hank's arms.

Hank sat on the chair, and brought Trudy into his lap.

Trudy broke down in Hank's arms, and clung to him.

Hank shed a few tears, as he held a sobbing Trudy.

After Awhile. Jay was in the breakroom, waiting for Will.

Will walked into the breakroom, and saw his brother in tears.

"Jay?" Will closed the door.

Jay looked up, and sniffled.

"I-I'm good, Man.." Jay sniffled.

Will shook his head, he knew Jay too well.

"Your not, Jay, I know Al's dead..." Will admitted.

Jay nodded, and spoke.

"T-That Bastard....s-shot, and left A-Al to die, Man!" Jay croaked out.

Will nodded, and sat on the couch.

"I-I know, munchkin, come here." Will opened his arms.

Jay fell into his brother's arms, and buried his head in Will's neck.

"Let it out, buddy, I got you..." Will soothed.

Jay let the sobs tear through his body, and land on Will's scrubs.

"That's it, baby bro.." Will comforted.

Jay sniffled, and closed his eyes.

Will rocked Jay back, and forth until he could calm down.

After a few minutes. Jay fell asleep in Will's arms, as Will massaged Jay's scalp.

"Night buddy.." Will placed a kiss on Jay's head.

Jay sighed, and fell deeper into sleep,

Will gently lied Jay down on the couch, and placed a blanket over him.

Will smiled, and turned the light out.

Will walked out, and closed the door silently.

Will walked down the hall, and opened the waiting room door.

"Hi Everyone!" Will replied.

The unit all said their hello's, and Will explained where Jay was.

"Well, Jay's asleep in the breakroom, he's exhausted, how are y'all holding up?" Will explained.

"Good, as can be expected, I guess." Kim spoke for the unit.

The Unit agreed, and Will nodded.

"I'm so, so, sorry for what happened, guys..." Will apologised.

"Not your fault, Will, it's the bastard who killed our best friend." Adam explained.

Will nodded, and Erin spoke up.

"I-I'm gonna go, see Jay..." Erin piped up.

The unit nodded, and Erin left.

After a few minutes. Erin walked into the breakroom, and saw Jay asleep.

"Aww, baby.." Erin whispered.

Jay was crying in his sleep, as he tried holding back tears.

Erin noticed, and sat on the couch.

"Let it out, baby...I'm right here." Erin held Jay's hand.

Jay squeezed Erin's hand, and broke down.

"I-I'm here..." Erin teared up.

Jay hugged Erin, and sobbed with her.

Erin clung onto Jay's top, and sobbed.

After a few hours. The unit wet home, and went to bed.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

Comment, vote!!

~ Stay Safe 😊

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