SVU ~ Chicago PD!!

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Jay and Erin are assisting Lt. Benson, and her unit on a child case!!

Benson was in her office, until Erin walked in to explain about the case. 

"Liv." Erin's husky voice spoke. 

Benson looked up, and told Erin to come in. 

"Hi Erin." Olivia smiled. 

Erin nodded, and explained how Jay is the brother of the child victim. 

"Jay, he's the brother of the victim, Will Halstead." Erin explained. 

"Yeah, Voight told me on the phone, is Halstead okay? Olivia asked concerned. 

"Yeah, he's getting by, but he's putting on a brave front." Erin sighed. 

"He will, got anything new on the live cam?" Olivia questioned. 

Before Erin could answer Rollins interrupted about what they were literally talking about. 

"Sorry to interrupt, but you guys need to see this." Amanda replied. 

Olivia and Erin nodded, and walked out to see what was going on. 

"This is livestreaming to over a million viewers." Amanda explained, as she played the video. 

"Time to play Will." The offender snarled.

Will backed into a corner, scared what will happen. 

"N-No, I don't want to." Will mumbled. 

Jay watched closely at the video, and had tears pooled in his eyes. 

"W-Where the fuck is this." Jay whispered. 

Erin knew her husband was getting pissed off, but he didn't let it show in his face.

"I got Amaro and Fin working on it, but so far came up with nothing." Benson sighed. 

Jay flipped all the things off the desk, and stormed out. 

I-I'll go." Erin suggested, as she walked out. 

They all nodded, and got back to working. 

Erin walked the halls, and saw Jay curled up in a small ball crying. 

"Oh baby." Erin muttered, as she walked over. 

Erin crouched down, and her heart broke at the small whimper from Jay's mouth. 

"Oh Jay, come here." Erin smiled sadly, as she took Jay in her warm arms. 

"Shhh, It's okay babe, we'll find him." Erin soothed. 

"B-But how, he's only 6, and we still have no leads." Jay sobbed. 

Erin knew how hard this was for him, Will's been missing for 2 years, and now Jay has reached breaking point. 

"I know sweetheart, I know." Erin kissed his head warmly. 

Jay continued sobbing into Erin's chest. until Voight came.

"Hi Kiddo's." Voight smiled.

Erin looked to Voight. and smiled.

"Hey. Any news on the video?" Erin asked. 

Hank shook his head. I mean that was kind of a good thing.

"No. but I got Dawson tracking the IP address. hopefully we get a hit." Hank explained.

Erin nodded. and Jay sniffled. which silenced the room.

"Hey. were nearly close to finding your brother. baby." Erin whispered.

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