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Erin and Jay were walking up into the bullpen, arguing with each other.

"You should've told me!" Erin exclaimed.

Jay walked upstairs with his coffee, and argued back.

"Told you what? I asked you if it was okay to meet Jenny, and you said yes." Jay argued.

Erin scoffed, and spoke again.

"Yeah! I thought you were gonna invite me!!" Erin explained.

"Well, you never asked!" Jay exclaimed.

Erin scoffed again, and looked at Jay.

"Well, maybe we should breakup!" Erin decided.

The whole unit stopped what they were doing, and payed close to attention.

"Maybe we should?" Jay suggested.

Erin nodded, and talked.

"Fine!" Erin replied.

"Fine!" Jay repeated.

Erin and Jay walked to their desks, and logged on.

"W-What just happened?" Adam looked at Kim.

"No Idea?" Kim shrugged.

The whole unit nodded, and focused on work.

After Awhile. Everyone told Erin what they wanted for lunch.

"So, what you want for lunch?" Erin spoke, through the phone.

The unit all spoke through the phone, and Erin spoke again.

"Alright, so, I got a cheeseburger for Adam, a side salad for Kim, a chicken burger, for Jay, and a pizza for Kev-." Erin got cut off.

Erin screamed, then the call cut off.

"Erin?" Adam asked.


"Erin? Come back?" Kim replied.


"W-Where did Erin go to get lunch?" Hank asked.

"Corner of Ashland, why?" Jay asked.

"There's just been multicar crash, 2 casualties." Hank explained.

"God! Please no!" Jay muttered.

The unit all rushed off, and got into their cars.

"If Erin doesn't make it, I'll never forgive myself.." Jay looked at Hank.

"Kid, I'm sure it won't come to that..." Hank reassured.

"Let's hope!" Jay whispered.

Hank nodded, and Jay drove off.

10 minutes later. The unit arrived at the scene, and Jay hopped out.

"HALSTEAD!" Hank yelled.

Jay ignored the yells from Hank, and carried on running.

"Chicago P.D, Intelligence!" Jay lifted the tape.

The officers nodded, and let Jay search the cars.

There were people in their cars, ambulances, but there was no sign of Erin.

"ERIN!" Jay called.


"ERIN! BABY!!" Jay shouted.


"Hey! Have you seen a lady, brown hair, a bit shorter then me?" Jay rushed out.

"No sorry.." The Lady replied.

Jay nodded, and saw Erin's car.

"ERIN!" Jay ran over.

Erin was laying limp, with her head against the dashboard.

"Erin? Baby?" Jay whispered.

Erin was unconscious, and couldn't hear Jay's voice.

"Erin? Please wake up.." Jay begged.

Hank raced over, and saw Erin's condition.

"I NEED A MEDIC!" Hank shouted.

"Coming over!" The Medic replied.

Jay looked back at Erin, and held her hand.

"Wake up for me, baby..." Jay pleaded.

The medic's got Erin on a stretcher, and took her straight to Med.

After a few minutes. The Medic's wheeled Erin in.

"Detective Erin Lindsay, involved in a multicar crash, she has visible cuts on her face, possible fractured pelvis, LOC is throughout, SATS are 80/100, she couldn't protect her airway, so we did a field intubation, we gave her 5mls of Morphine, and 10mg of paracetamol." Parker explained.

"Okay, let's get her straight to trauma 1, let's get her gowned, and tell the OR were on our way up." Marcel ordered.

The Nurses nodded, and wheeled Erin straight to surgery.

"Wait here, and we'll come back with any news!" Marcel replied.

The unit nodded, and sat on the chairs.

"Erin and me breaking up, can't be the last thing we ever done..." Jay sighed.

Kim walked over, and hugged Jay.

"It won't, bud, Erin will pull through the surgery, and pass with flying colours!" Kim explained.

Jay nodded, and leant on Kim's shoulder.

Kim smiled, and rubbed Jay's head.

After a few hours. Marcel came over, and explained.

"Family of Erin Lindsay?" Marcel asked.

The unit stood up, and Hank walked over.

"I-I'm her dad, how is she?" Hank wondered.

Marcel took a breath, then spoke.

"We managed to stop the bleeding, we lost her once, but we brought her back, we needed to do multiple blood transfusions, as she lost a huge amount of blood at the scene, we've extubated her, as she was able to breathe on her own, the nurse's are settling Erin into recovery now, so you'll be able to see her soon!" Marcel explained.

The unit all sighed, and hugged each other, glad their best friend is okay.

After Awhile. The unit all said their hello's to Erin, and it was just Jay and Erin in the room, after.

"I-I'm so, so sorry, Erin!" Jay whispered.

Erin shook her head, and spoke.

"No, I'm sorry, I should never of freaked on you like that, Jay..." Erin explained.

Jay laughed softly, and held her hand.

"That's all in the past, baby, I love you, and I was an asshole to breakup with you." Jay admitted.

Erin giggled, and smiled.

"Yeah, now get your dumbass up here, and hug me.." Erin ordered.

"I'd be honoured!" Jay stood up.

Erin scooted over, and Jay got in.

"There, now I'm comfy." Erin yawned.

Jay smiled, and placed his chin on Erin's head.

"I love you so, so much, Erin.." Jay kissed.

Erin repeated the same thing, and fell to sleep.

After a second. Jay closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay Safe 😊

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