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It was one evening and the couple were eating popcorn, while watching a movie on the couch.

Halfway through the movie, jay's ears started hurting, and it made him do a soft painful whimper.

Owwwww. Jay whimpered.

Erin heard her boyfriend whimpering, so she turned the movie off, and looked at him.

Baby, aww, what's wrong? Erin whispered.

E-ear h-hurting m-me. Jay sobbed.

Erin brought Jay into her arms, so he could lay on her chest, she softly rocked back and forth.

Shhh, I got you baby, just relax. Erin softly spoke, as she continued to rock her boyfriend softly.

Jay buried his head in her chest, while she rocked him softly.

I'm just gonna get you some medicine, I'll be back baby. Erin gently shushed him, as she got up.

Erin got the medicine, and rushed back upstairs to her sick boyfriend.

I'm back bubba. Erin called out softly, but when she walked in further, her heart stopped at what see saw, it was her sick boyfriend crying his eyes out.

Oh baby! Erin muttered, as she placed the cup of medicine down on the table, and crawled on the bed, and picked jay's body up, and carried him in her lap.

Shhh, I got you, you wanna try some medicine baby? Erin wondered, as she massaged his sore ear.

Jay just nodded, feeling some pressure being relieved from his soft girl.

Okay, it's liquid, thought it would be easier baby. Erin explains, as she measured it out.

Here you go bubba, Erin carefully said, as she gave the cup to Jay.

Thanks baby. Jay croaked out, as he took the cup, and drank it.

Done baby? Erin asked.

Yes, here you go. Jay passed the cup back.

Just go back to sleep baby, I'm here. Erin soothed gently.

Jay fell asleep in about 2 minutes, with Erin massaging his temples.

Erin was so sad, that her boyfriend was sick.

Erin kept Jay asleep for about 2 hours, which was painful for him to wake up to, his ear was hurting much worse than before.

OWWWW, Jay screamed, and tugged on his ears.

This alerted Erin, and took in his boyfriend's pale complexion.

Awww baby, shhh don't pull at your ears baby. Erin gently pulled his hands from his sore ears, and held them.

Shhhhh, it's okay, shhh. Erin gently whispered.

Jay fell into Erin's lap, and whimpered, but soon relaxed, when he felt a warm soft hand on his head.

Jay fell asleep for the whole day, and felt like a new person, when he woke up.

The couple spent their day together, watching movies, and going shopping.

Hi My Readers

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm going to be leaving for Spain in about a hour!

So I'll try get a few more done!!

Comment and suggest!!

~ stay safe 😊

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