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It was 4AM at the bullpen, and Erin was working.

Adam came up the stairs, and saw Erin working deep into his computer. 

"Yo, Erin." Adam spoke out, as he went over to him. 

Erin looked up with her tired eyes, and Adam noticed straightaway she couldn't sleep. 

"Darlin, why you here this early?" Adam asked. 

"Well, shouldn't I ask you that question?" Erin quipped back. 

"Umm, I always come in at this time, but hasn't Jay noticed your not with him?" Adam replied.

"Fair enough, No I don't think he does,  he's dead to the world. Erin smiled, as she looked back at her papers. 

"Haha, classic Jay." Adam chuckled. 

"What you working on?" Adam questioned. 

"Oh, A case I couldn't let go, so I'm here working it." Erin explained. 

Adam was worried about Erin, she always came in with a smile, and a good sleep with Jay, but this was a side of Erin he hasn't see before. 

"Okay, come on Erin". Adam ordered, as he got up, and grabbed his Jacket. 

Erin was confused, but got up, and took her Jacket from her chair, and walked with Adam. 

"Where we going?" Erin asked, as she raised an eyebrow. 

"I'm gonna help you with the case." Adam smiled. 

"Oh okay thanks" Erin smiled as well. 

"Do you wanna drive or..-" Adam started, but got cut off by Erin. 

"I'm driving, I might look tired, but I'm awake enough to drive." Erin sassed. 

"Copy that ma'am." Adam laughed, as he got in. 

They got to the location, and hopped out. 

"This is it Adam". Erin pointed out. 

Adam walked over to where Erin was standing, and had no clue what to look for. 

"Umm, what are we looking for?" Adam asked. 

"A cat". Erin spoke sarcastically, but Adam didn't pick up on it. 

"Oh okay, a cat, I can do that." Adam smiled, as he went to look for the cat. 

Erin couldn't help but laugh, as he meowed to try and find the cat. 

"Adam, there's no bloody cat". Erin laughed, as she grabbed his arm. 

"But you said....oh well played Lindsay." Adam laughed. 

"Okay, but what are we actually looking for?" Adam questioned. 

"A murder weapon". Erin whispered, as she looked through the bushes. 

"Oh, and why didn't you want Jay in on this?" Adam raised an eyebrow. 

"Because, you know Jay has a hard time with Kid cases, so I finished it. Erin explained. 

Everyone knew Jay hit hard when It came to Kid cases, he would go to bed crying, Erin would come into work without Jay, who would be asleep in bed. 

"Oh right, Poor kid". Adam sighed, as he looked through the bushes, and Erin finally found the murder weapon.

"I got the gun". Erin yelled out to Adam. 

"Good Job Lindsay." Adam smiled, as they did their handshake. 

"Thanks man." Erin smiled back. 

"No problem, let's call the others." Adam suggested. 

They called the others, and Jay was confused on to why his wife was with Ruzek. 

"Yo boss." Adam called out. 

They all walked over to Erin and Adam, and Jay looked suspiciously at Erin. 

"What you got Erin". Hank asked. 

"Well, Adam and me were working on the Evans case, and we found our missing murder weapon, it was hidden in the bush, then we called you guys." Erin explained. 

They all understood, but Jay's eyes were still trained on Erin. 

"Good job guys." Hank smiled, as he went over to forensics with the rest of the team, and Jay and Erin stayed back. 

"Erin, are you okay?" Jay asked. 

"Fine Jay." Erin smiled, as she went to walk away, but got held back by Jay. 

"I don't mean that Erin, You sneaking out in the middle of the night, everything baby. Jay smiled sadly. 

"Gosh, you make it sound like I'm teen." Erin scoffed. 

"Baby, you to sleep, you need to take care of yourself, and I'm here, the Unit's here, Hank's even here. Jay explained. 

"It's hard to sleep, when your own mother who abandoned you since you 3 years old, made contact." Erin explained, as her husky voice cracked.

"Oh Erin." Jay sighed. 

"Yeah, so you try to sleep, when someone who hurt you, abandoned you, call you." Erin spoke, as tears were dripping down her face. 

Jay knew Erin didn't have good growing up, many of bunny's boyfriends hit her, she used to do drugs, and now bunny has the nerve to call her daughter. 

"Baby, I'm so sorry." Jay hugged her tightly, letting her cry. 

"It's so hard to cope". Erin sobbed. 

"I know baby, but I'm here, you can lean on me, also the Unit." Jay had tears in his eyes, watching his girl break down in his arms. 

"I-I know." Erin hiccupped. 

The others all watched Erin fall apart in Jay's arms, it was so heart breaking to watch.

"Poor sweeties". Kim sighed. 

"Yeah, Jay is gonna let nothing happen to her, he loves her so much." Hank replied. 

They all agree, and just watched smiling sadly. 

Jay and Erin got home, as Jay got told to take Erin home to rest. 

They both got into bed, and Erin snuggled into Jay's arms. 

"It's okay baby, I'm here." Jay whispered, as he played with her hair. 

They both eventually fell asleep, in each others arms, feeling safe, and secured.

Hi My Readers!!

Sorry I haven't be posting alot on this page, I've been adding more parts to my other Jay and Erin story, it's called Jay and Erin's baby journey if you wanna check it out. 

Vote, comment, suggest. 

~Stay safe.

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