Taser certification

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It was one afternoon at the bullpen, and Hank walked a man upstairs. 

"Hey guys, this is Dan Jenkins, he's here to show you some drills." Voight explained, but explained it wrong.

"Taser certification". Dan corrected him. 

"Taser certification, now that sounds like a ball." Voight responded, as he patted Jenkins on the shoulder, and nodded to Antonio who smiled back. 

"Umm, your in this too Sargant." Dan called out.

"Yeah well, I'll just read books, and concentrate on tickling perps to death." Voight smirked, as he walked into his office. 

Dan just stood there, and looked at Antonio. 

"Your free to go ask him again." Antonio leant over his desk, and smirked. 

Dan shifted slightly on his feet, and explained what he's demonstrating. 

"So, this is an X26 very powerful, you need to get tested by this for further on in your career.

"Man, we get it okay, can we hurry up, and get this over with." Adam groaned in impatience. 

"Oh good, a volunteer." Dan demonstrated, as he tazed Adam in the stomach. 

"Ughhh." Adam moaned, as he fell on his knees in pain. 

Erin, and Antonio started laughing. 

"Your up next." Dan pointed at Jay, who shifted on his feet. 

"I volunteer to tase him." Erin raised her hand up, and smirked. 

"Well, of course." Dan handed the tazer to Erin. 

Jay walked up, and stood in front of Erin.

"Be gentle." Jay pleaded.

"Where do you want it?" Erin raised an eyebrow, as she spoke again. 

"S, P, A, G?" Erin spoke, as she pointed the tazer at him. 

"Shoulders." Kev called out, as he laughed. 

"G" Antonio shouted. 

"G". Al replied. 

Erin looked at all the others, and smirked, as she pointed the gun down in his groin.

"Don't you dare." Jay warned. 

"Just relax baby, I promise I'll be gentle." Erin giggled. 

"Erin, I'm w-." Jay got cut off, by electricity running through him. 

"GOD!" Jay screamed, as he held his groin, and fell to his knees. 

It was after awhile, when Erin was the last person to be tazed. 

"Your next missy." Dan remarked, as he scared Erin by accident. 

"Oh, I umm, I think we've seen enough," Erin replied, as she stood leaning back on the wall. 

"Well lucky for you, the X26 Does not excriminate by gender." Dan replied.

Jay stood up, and walked over to Erin, who was stagnant at first,

"Payback time." Jay smirked, as he looped his arm under Erin's shoulder, and took her to Dan. 

Dan gave the taser to Jay, who got ready to tase Erin. 

"In my shoulder please baby." Erin gave the puppy dog eyes, that Jay couldn't resist. 

"Fine." Jay sighed, as he tazed Erin in the shoulder. 

Erin groaned quietly, but breathed through it. 

They all got back to work, happy that they all passed the certification. 

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