~Jay spiked!~

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Jay was out in a bar, with Adam, Kevin, and Antonio, celebrating a closed case.

"Cheers!" Jay raised his shot glass.

They all clinked glasses, and a girl came over.

"Hey Handsome!" Sarah looked at Jay.

Jay looked at Sarah, and smiled.

"Hi." Jay smiled.

"Get you a drink?" Sarah asked.

Jay was unsure, he didn't wanna hurt Erin.

"Sorry, I got a girlfriend at home, and I'm sure, she'll have a lot to say about this..." Jay warned.

"Aww, just one?" Sarah begged.

"F-Fine!" Jay agreed.

Sarah smiled, and walked to the bar.

"What the hell!" Adam whispered.

Jay shrugged his shoulders.

"What? She's just being nice.." Jay defended.

"You know, Erin will kill me if she found out!" Adam explained.

Jay nodded, and smiled.

The boys all sighed, and Antonio spoke.

"Hey! Be careful, You know my sister, she got drugged.." Antonio explained.

Jay nodded, but he was gonna be fine.

After a few moments. Sarah returned with a shot.

"Here!" Sarah placed the glass down.

Jay thanked Sarah, and drank the shot.

"Manhattan? How'd you know?" Jay asked.

"Well, I could tell you were an Manhattan drinker.." Sarah smirked.

Jay nodded, and smirked.

After 10 minutes. The boys all got up, but Jay was sloppy.

"Yo, you good, Man?" Adam asked.

"Y-Yeah, just a bit....drunk..." Jay whispered.

The boys all knew what was happening, Jay didn't drink a lot to be drunk.

"Man! You hardly had anything!" Kevin exclaimed.

Jay knocked the chair over, and fell in Antonio's arms.

"Woah! Alright, I got you.." Antonio whispered.

Adam and Kevin held Jay up, they were confused.

"W-What's wrong with him?!" Adam asked.

Antonio placed Jay's arm over his shoulder, and explained.

"Jay's not drunk, he's been spiked.." Antonio sighed.

Adam and Kevin were worried now.

"W-What do we do?" Adam asked.

"We need to get Jay to Med!" Antonio exclaimed.

Adam and Kevin nodded, and walked with Antonio.

"T-Tony...." Jay mumbled.

"Yep, I got you Halstead, your okay.." Antonio reassured.

Adam pulled the car round, and opened the car door.

The boys got Jay in the car, and Antonio spoke

"Adam? Drive!" Antonio ordered

Adam nodded, and drove off.

"Jay, stay awake for me!!" Antonio begged.

Jay slowly closed his eyes, then opened them.

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