Erin's severe period!!

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TW: Blood!!

Erin woke up, and didn't see Jay in bed next to her, then realised Jay was on Jury service.

"Ugh! Why today!!" Erin mumbled.

Erin got up, and brushed her teeth, and got into her outfit for today.

"Please don't be heavy today.." Erin whispered.

Erin sighed, and left the quiet apartment.

After Awhile. Erin arrived at the district, and got met with Platt.

"Hi Smarty!!" Trudy smiled.

Erin walked up, and spoke.

"Hi, how long is Jay on Jury service?" Erin sighed.

Platt checked her records, and spoke.

"Should be done by this afternoon." Trudy nodded.

Erin smiled, and walked slowly upstairs.

After a few minutes. Erin walked upstairs, and said morning to everyone.

"You look pale..." Adam replied.

"Gee, that's always something, a girl wants to hear." Erin spoke sarcastically.

Adam apologised, and Voight walked out.

"Alright, we gotta case, get geared up." Voight ordered.

The unit nodded, and got geared up.

After a few hours. The unit were in their cars, and were watching Spencer's every move.

"I got the eye." Erin radioed.

Voight replied, and kept watching.

Erin placed her radio down, and her stomach cramped up.

"Ow." Erin whimpered.

Erin looked back up, and saw Spencer make a run for it.

"Spencer's running!!" Erin got out of her car.

The unit started their engines, and rushed to the scene.

Erin ran with stomach cramps, and managed to catch up.

"CHICAGO PD!! STOP!!" Erin ran.

Spencer looked back, and Erin jumped on him.

"GET OFF ME!!" Spencer elbowed Erin in the stomach.

Erin jolted back, and held her stomach.

Spencer smirked, and tried running.

"Where do you think your going, asshole?" Voight asked.

Spencer fought Hank's arms, but got shoved to Patrol.

"Erin? Are you okay?" Voight whispered.

Erin started sobbing, and shook her head.

"M-My stomach!!" Erin groaned.

Kim crouched next to her, and gently soothed her.

"I know sweetie, It's alright..." Kim rubbed Erin's back.

Voight could see the pain his daughter was in.

"Let's get her to Med." Voight ordered.

Kim nodded, and helped Erin up.

"I-I want J-Jay!!" Erin whimpered.

Kim nodded, and hugged Erin tight.

"We'll get him!!" Kim kissed Erin's head.

Erin cried, and got into the car.

After Awhile. Erin was gowned up, and in a room, with IV's pumping medicine.

"I want Jay!! Where's Jay?!" Erin cried.

As soon as Erin spoke, Jay came rushing in.

"I'm here!! I'm so sorry, Jury service was a nightmare...." Jay kissed Erin's temple.

"It's okay, your here now..." Erin whispered.

"W-What happened?" Jay asked.

"Erin was chasing our suspect, and, she got elbowed in the stomach, and her period was really heavy, so the nurses controlled the bleeding, she just has to take it easy." Kim explained.

Jay nodded, and held Erin close.

"H-How was Jury service, babe?" Erin asked.

"Well, as it always is, shit.." Jay whispered.

Erin and Kim nodded, and smiled.

After a few hours. Kim left, and Jay and Erin fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay Safe 😊

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