Bad day!!

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Erin walked into the bullpen, and Jay was sleeping at his desk.

"How long has he been like that?" Erin whispered.

"Since I walked in..." Dawson sighed.

Erin nodded, and walked up to Jay.

"Jay? Baby?" Erin crouched down.

Jay stirred, and opened his eyes.

"W-What you doing here?" Jay whispered.

"Well, I work here?" Erin Joked.

Jay nodded, and realised he was at the bullpen.

"What happened?" Erin rubbed Jay's arm.

"C-Couldn't sleep." Jay stretched.

Before Erin could answer, the commander walks in.

"Halstead!!" Crowley spoke.

The unit all looked at Crowley, and watched the scene unfold.

"Where's your paperwork?" Crowley asked.

"I-I haven't got it." Jay whispered.

"Excuse me?" Crowley leant over the desk.

"I-I haven't got it.." Jay mumbled.

Crowley walked over to Jay, and spoke.

"You had a week!!" Crowley exclaimed.

Erin could see how agitated Jay was, so she stepped in.

"Alright, that's enough!!" Erin stood up.

Crowley looked at Erin, and glared.

"This is none of your business!!" Crowley replied.

"Yeah? Well, when it comes to my husband, It usually is." Erin crossed her arms.

Crowley looked back at Jay, and whispered.

"W-Why weren't you here on May 5th?" Crowley asked.

"I-It was mama's funeral..." Jay looked down.

Crowley's anger, turned to rage.

"Well, that's a shame." Crowley whispered.

Kim came between Crowley and Jay.

"Okay, you leave my baby brother alone, he hasn't done anything wrong? Yes, his paperwork is late, but he'll get it done, understand?" Kim smirked.

Crowley looked to the unit who had the same expressions.

"You heard her!!" Adam exclaimed.

Crowley left, and Jay was sobbing.

"Oh Jay! I got you." Erin held Jay in her arms.

Jay sobbed into Erin's arms, and clung to her.

"Why don't you go take a little nap in the breakroom? and I'll take you home later." Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, and sniffled.

Jay walked into the breakroom, and fell asleep.

After a few hours. Erin took Jay home, and the unit went home as welll.

Hi My Readers

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Comment and suggest!!

~ stay safe 😊

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