Food poisoning

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It was night, and Hailey and Jay were eating at a restaurant, Hailey had fettuccine alfredo, and Jay had some Chinese noodles, his noodles tasted a bit bland and funny, but he thought nothing of it. 

How's your meal baby? Hailey asked, as she swallowed her food. 

Jay didn't wanna worry his wife, so he just said a little white lie. 

It's really good, how's yours? Jay spoke, once he finished his mouth full.

It's amazing!! Hailey beamed. 

Aww, That's good baby. Jay smiled.

Jay was getting sweaty, bad cramps, and pretty sure he had a fever. 

Baby, hey you okay? Hailey asked worriedly. 

Y-yep. Jay stated, as he went through some bad cramps. 

Hailey knew Jay was sick, just by looking at him, He was pale, looked weak, fever, and sweating. 

Baby, your not okay, your ill, and it's okay to be ill. 

Jay was sick, he just wanted to go home and snuggle up with his wife in bed. 

C-can we go home. Jay whispered, as his eyes pooled with tears. 

Hailey knew her husband got emotional when being sick, and Hailey understood that. 

Of course we can baby! Hailey whispered, as she went round to help Jay up. 

Another pain ripped through Jay which made him whimper in pain. 

Oh baby, shhhh, It's okay just let it pass. Hailey soothed. 

They made it back to the Sierra, and Hailey helped Jay in, and did his seatbelt up, then Hailey rushed round to her side, and hopped in. 

Hey, here's a corn pack for your tummy baby. Hailey reached in the glove box and took one out, then gave it to Jay.

Jay placed it under his shirt onto his tummy, and felt a bit of relief.

Thanks baby. Jay closed his eyes, and leant back 

No problem, just rest your eyes, and I'll let you know when were home. Hailey stated softly. 

Ok babe. Jay muttered out, as he fell asleep. 

Hailey drove them back to their complex apartment, and Hailey woke Jay up.

Baby, were home sweets. Hailey whispered, as she rubbed his shoulder. 

Mhmmmm. Jay gave a mumble, as he stretched but soon regretted it, as a pain ripped through him again.

Owww. Jay groaned. 

Oh bubba, come on sweetie. Hailey got out and helped Jay out of the car. 

They both got out, and walked up the stairs, to their apartment door. 

Home sweet Home baby! Hailey whispered. 

They both walked upstairs, and Hailey helped Jay into bed, after Hailey helped Jay into his Pyjamas, and got into her pyjamas as well.

They both got into bed, and Jay cuddled into Hailey's warm side. 

It's okay baby, I'm here. Hailey whispered, as she tucked a few pieces of hair around his ear. 

Jay enjoyed the feeling, and snuggled deeper into Hailey. 

Hailey kept doing this, until she heard his breath hitch, meaning he's asleep,

Night baby. Hailey whispered, as she slept as well. 

Jay's stomach was cramping up badly, and bolted outta bed to go to the restroom, and puke. 

Hailey woke up to gagging noises, and as soon as she didn't feel her husband next to her anymore, she knew the noises belonged to Jay. 

Hailey got up, and lightly tapped on the door. 

Baby. Hailey whispered. 

No response just gags. 

I'm coming in okay. Hailey warned.

Hailey opened the door, and her baby was a mess, he was hunched over the toilet, not letting himself go, he was shaking. 

Oh Jay. Hailey crouched down, and rubbed his back. 

N-no me don't wanna puke. Jay said like a little child who didn't wanna go school. 

Oh baby, if you do it will feel so much better. Hailey probed, as she rubbed his tummy softly. 

Jay just kept gagging, and not letting himself puke, but eventually with Hailey's pressure, he let go, and puked his guts out. 

That's it baby, just let it out, don't keep it in. Hailey whispered, as she kissed his head, and rubbed his tummy again softly. 

Jay puked for a good 20 minutes, and finally finished. 

You think your done baby? Hailey asked. 

Y-yes. Jay sobbed. 

Awww baby, shh it's okay. Hailey brought Jay in her warm arms, and rocked him softly. 

Shhhh. let's go back to bed. Hailey suggested. 

They both got up, and walked the short distance to the bed. 

Here we are baby. Hailey whispered, as she lied Jay down, then got in herself. 

Jay lied his head on her chest, and Hailey Massaged his curls. 

This put him to sleep, and Hailey Eventually fell to sleep. 

In the morning Jay woke up feeling fresh and new, and had a nice, clean and warm shower

Hi My Readers

This was suggested, hope you like this whoever suggested it, and hope you guys like it too!! 

I'm on the plane to Spain now, so I got a few hours till I land, so keep the suggestions coming. 

Stay safe ~

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