Finding out!

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Jay was getting nervous Nadia was meant to be back by now, and she wasn't.

Okay, everyone get on This Tim Routledge, find out about any family, Friends. Voight ordered.

Nadia I want you t-. Voight started, but noticed Nadia wasn't there.

Where's Nadia? Voight asked.

Let me try her cell. Erin asked, as she dialled her number.

It went straight to voicemail. Erin voice cracked, as she placed the phone down.

Jay, you were the Last one with her? Erin asked.

Jay knew she was right, Nadia was indeed with him.

Jay? Hailey asked, she didn't know Nadia that much, but got on with her.

Okay, She was going to plan you a Surprise party, she went to go get your cake. Jay explained to Erin.

Everyone knew what Nadia was doing, but they felt so bad that Erin didn't.

T-That what was the conversation was? Erin asked, as she stood up.

Y-yes, she borrowed your car, she should of been back by now. Jay stuttered worriedly.

They all were Angry, not at Jay, but at the person who may of taken her.

Erin sat on the edge of her desk, leaning against the table.

Hey baby, this isn't your fault. Jay explained.

It is, she went out for me. Erin covered her face with her hand.

After a moment of silence, Roman and Burgess came up the stairs, and Burgess looked like she was about to burst into tears at any moment.

Kim, Roman. Voight answered, as they all went to the duo.

We umm. Roman started.

What is it! Erin said Impatiently, worried about Nadia.

Kim set the truth straight, at what they found.

We found a smashed birthday cake on the ground, no other sign of Nadia. Kim explained.

Voight took his anger out of a chair, and it went flying across the room.

WHERE IS SHE! Voight yelled.

Erin was silently crying, Jay looked at Erin, and noticed she was crying.

Oh baby. Jay whispered.

They all looked at Erin watching her slowly holding her tears in, but failed.

Come on bubba. Jay gently picked her up, and Erin buried her face into his chest, as they went to the locker room.

Poor kid, she's been through so much, and this just crumbled on top of her. Adam sighed.

Okay, Erin's going to want to work, no matter how hard I try to keep her off the case. Voight sighed.

They all agreed, they knew commander Crowley will have a filled day.

Jay was holding Erin in his arms, while she sobbed.

Shhh baby, it's not your fault, no one blames you, they blame the monster who took Nadia. Jay explained.

Erin sobbed harder, she wanted her best friend, her sister, She wanted Nadia.

Oh Baby. Jay kissed her head, he let a few tears roll down his face, Nadia was like a little sister to him, and now it's like a tug in their hearts, not knowing what's happening to her.

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