~ Allergic reaction ~

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Everyone was in the bullpen, and they were all eating pizza.

Jay was eating his slice, and didn't notice pineapple on the top.

After a few minutes. Jay started getting chills, and felt his lips swell up.

"E-Erin...." Jay whimpered.

Erin looked at Jay, and noticed his lips all swelled.

"Oh my god!! Jay!!" Erin rushed over.

The unit all rushed over, and tried comforting Jay.

"Oh baby, it's alright, I'm here." Erin comforted.

Jay nodded, and felt itches under his arms.

"W-What's going on with him?" Upton asked.

"He's pretending to be a clown, he's having an allergic reaction!!" Erin exclaimed.

The unit all wore sad faces, and Erin spoke.

"W-What topping was on the pizza?" Erin asked.

Kim went to check, and replied.

"Pineapple!" Kim clarified.

Erin swore under her breath, and replied.

"Fuck! Jay's allergic to pineapple, does he have an e-." Erin got cut off.

"I-I c-c-can't b-b-breathe....." Jay gasped.

"Jay!! P-Please stay with me!!" Erin begged.

"I-I'll bring the car round!!" Voight rushed off.

The unit nodded, and tried helping Jay.

"Jay? C-Can I take a look at you?" Erin kept her voice soft.

Jay nodded, and whimpered.

Erin lifted up Jay's shirt, and saw hives on his body.

"Oh baby...." Erin whispered.

Erin rolled his shirt back down, and soothed.

"Were gonna get you to Med!!" Erin smiled.

Jay nodded, and stood up with Kevin's help.

"Let's go!" Adam ordered.

The unit nodded, and followed Jay.

After a few hours. Jay was gowned up, and getting checked over.

"Alright, how does your throat feel?" Dr Rhodes asked.

"B-Better, Man!" Jay nodded.

Connor smiled, and left the room.

Erin walked in, and smiled.

"Hi Babe!" Erin whispered.

"H-Hi Baby..." Jay whispered back.

Erin smiled, and sat on the bed.

"How you feeling?" Erin made conversation.

Jay shrugged, and nodded.

"Y-You scared me, Jay." Erin looked down.

Jay sighed, and opened his arms.

"Come here..." Jay smiled.

Erin took her shoes off, and lied on Jay's chest.

"You throat sounds better!" Erin smiled.

"Yeah, It feels better too!" Jay kissed Erin head.

Erin smiled, and closed her eyes.

Jay ran his fingers through Erin's locks, and closed his eyes.

After a second. Jay and Erin fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay Safe 😊

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