Jay's dad is saved

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They were still working, and Jay was still napping with Erin in the Breakroom.

Erin got up, and made her and Jay a coffee, coz Jay was gonna need it, after he woke up.

Yo, Erin, Jay. Adam came bursting through, which makes Erin nearly spill her coffee, and wake up Jay.

What the fuck Adam. Erin shouted.

Oops, sorry guys. Adam turned all red.

No problem Adam. Jay yawned.

Erin was still pissed off at Adam, but soon got over it.

Yeah, no worries Adam. Erin smiled.

They all wandered into the bullpen, and saw the picture of Patrick still on the board.

They all sat down at their desks, but Jay sat with Erin at her desk.

So, we got witnesses, Erin and Hailey go pick up the Witness who spotted the Man. Voight ordered.

Copy that. Hailey said.

Erin and Hailey went to the lot, to get into the Sierra, and pick up the witness.

Then commander Crowley came up the stairs, and talked to Jay,

Jay, your too personally invested in this case, you can't be in on it. Crowley stated.

Jay was flared up, this was his father, and now he's being told he can't work on it, that's bullshit.

I'm sorry what? Jay asked, as he stood up.

You heard me Halstead, Crowley repeated.

No, No way are you taking me off the case, this is my dad, and he's been missing for over 48 hours! Jay yelled.

I'm sorry Jay, but you should go home, or do some paperwork, as far as this goes, your not joining in. Crowley ordered.

This is bullshit. Jay shouted.

I'm sorry Jay, Crowley reprimanded.

Sorry my ass. Jay crossed his arms, and grabbed his jacket, then walked downstairs, and passed Platt, who was confused, and walked outside.

That went well. Voight replied, as he looked at Crowley.

Crowley was pissed off, that didn't go the way she planned, so she left.

Crowley left, and all the others were worried about jay.

Okay, call Erin, tell her Jay could be going to find Pat's captor, if he does we need to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Voight ordered Adam.

Copy boss. Adam spoke, as he picked up the phone, and dialled Erin.

Erin and Hailey were driving with the witness, until Erin heard her phone ring, and noticed it was Adam.

What's up Adam. Erin spoke, whilst concentrating on driving.

Yeah Listen, it's about Jay. Adam replied through the speaker.

Erin was worried now, what has Jay done in the last few hours, Erin thought.

What about Jay, Adam? Erin spoke with worry, as Hailey looked at her.

Well, Crowley came by, and let's just say it didn't end well. Adam sighed.

Erin and Hailey knew Crowley would wander in Eventually, and put Jay on the side lines.

What happened Adam? Hailey asked, worried about her best mate.

Crowley told Jay he couldn't work the case, and Jay got super pissed off, then before Crowley left, Jay stormed out. Adam explained.

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