Erin and Jay argument!!

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The unit were at the bullpen, getting settled into their desks.

"W-Why are you putting this all on me?" Erin ascended the stairs.

Jay followed after Erin, and argued back.

"Cause, your the one who got into the car!!" Jay walked up.

The unit stopped what they were doing, and looked at the argument.

"That's funny coming from you!!" Erin exclaimed.

"W-What do you mean?" Jay asked.

"Let me refresh your memory, you got into a car with a serial killer, with handcuffs on, and you acted dead, when we couldn't find you, I thought I was never gonna see you again!! That scared me Jay, I-I don't wanna imagine my life without you, and believe me, It's not a good thought, It's scary Jay!!" Erin explained.

Jay was frozen, he had no idea he hurt Erin that much.

"E-Erin, I-I'm so sorry..." Jay started.

"Yeah? Well, now you know." Erin sniffled.

"C-Come here..." Jay opened his arms.

Erin ran into Jay's arms, and sobbed heavily.

"Why didn't you tell me you felt like this? I could've helped." Jay asked.

"Y-You had too much stuff on your plate, I-I didn't wanna add more to the plate." Erin admitted.

"So? I-I wouldn't of cared, I'm your husband Erin, you can tell me all your problems." Jay smiled.

Erin went to say something, but Adam cut in.

"Sorry, but how did an argument turn into a romantic argument?" Adam asked.

Everyone laughed, and got on with their work.

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~Stay Safe 😊

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