New partners!!

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It was Jay's first day working in the intelligence unit, and he was a bit nervous.

Jay walked into the district, and saw the desk sergeant, Trudy Platt.

"Hi?" Jay smiled.

Trudy looked up with a stern face, and spoke.

"Hi? Who are you?" Platt asked.

Jay could tell this was gonna be a tough week.

"J-Jay Halstead." Jay replied back.

Trudy looked at Jay, and remembered something.

"Ah. Your Kim's brother?" Platt questioned.

Jay nodded, and smiled.

"Y-Yes." Jay replied.

Platt nodded, and asked someone to cover the desk.

"Routledge? Cover me for 5..." Trudy ordered.

Routledge nodded, and walked behind the desk.

"Follow me!" Trudy looked at Jay.

Jay nodded, and held his bag tight.

After a few moments. Platt walked Jay into the bullpen.

"This is intelligence!" Platt pointed out.

Jay looked around, and saw his soon to be partners at their desks.

"Burgess!!" Trudy called.

Kim got startled, then saw her younger brother with her sergeant.

"JAY!!" Kim yelled.

Jay smiled, and hugged Kim.

"Hi Sis!" Jay smiled.

Kim broke from the hug, and smiled.

"Let me introduce you to our sergeant!" Kim beamed.

Jay nodded, and followed Kim into Voight's office.

Kim knocked on the office door, and Hank nodded Kim and Jay to enter.

"Come in Kim!" Voight waved his hand.

Kim and Jay walked in, and closed the door.

"Serge? T-This is my brother, Jay." Kim pointed out.

Voight looked Jay up and down, and extended his hand.

"Hank Voight, pleasure to meet you." Hank smiled.

Jay shakily shook the sergeant's hand, and smiled.

"Thanks Kim." Voight kindly told her to leave.

Kim nodded, and left the office.

"I've heard things about you, son." Hank explained.

"Good ones I hope." Jay sheepishly asked.

"Yep, you worked in the rangers correct?" Hank asked.

"Y-Yes, that's right." Jay nodded.

"Alright, let's meet the team!!" Hank opened the door.

Jay nodded, and followed Hank out.

"Team?" Hank grabbed their attention.

The unit looked round, and smiled.

"This is Jay Halstead, our new detective, so, I insist you treat him with respect, just like any other partner, do I make myself clear?" Hank asked.

The unit nodded, and waved at Jay.

Jay waved back, and smiled.

After a moment. Hank realised he was down a detective.

"W-Where's Lindsay?" Hank asked.

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