Jay returns!!

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It's been 2 years, since Jay left for the army, and Erin was in pieces.

"God!! I hope Jay returns soon..." Erin mumbled.

"I'm sure he will." Kim tried lightning the mood.

Erin nodded, and answered the phone.

"Lindsay." Erin spoke.

Adam got up, and spotted Hailey sitting alone at her desk, not knowing what to do.

"Come here, I got you kid." Adam pointed to the breakroom.

Hailey nodded, and followed Adam.

"So, these are some rules, never eat my food." Adam explained.

Hailey nodded, and listened.

"And, don't be that guy, who drinks the last of the coffee, and forgets to fill it up, nobody likes that guy." Adam shook his head.

"Got it." Hailey nodded.

Adam nodded, and looked over at Erin.

"Listen, Jay's coming back today, he's been in hospital 3 times, he's tired, but, Erin doesn't know anything, so, I'd like it to be kept that way." Adam whispered.

Hailey nodded, and smiled.

"I'm zip." Hailey whispered.

Adam nodded, and smiled.

"Alright, let's go." Adam walked off.

Hailey walked behind Adam, and went to her desk.

After a few minutes. Adam's personal began to ring.

"Hello?" Adam whispered.

"Oh, where are you?" Adam spoke.

"Alright, No, she doesn't." Adam replied.

"Yep, see you then." Adam hanged up.

Erin looked over, and saw Adam hanging up the call.

"Who was that?" Erin asked.

"Oh, No one, for you to worry your smart brain about." Adam smiled.

Erin nodded, she knew something was up, she just had to find out.

Adam smiled, happy that Jay was coming home.

After a few hours. Jay came walking into the bullpen.

"Hi Y'all." Jay whispered.

Adam looked round, and saw Jay.

"Hey Man! Follow me!!" Adam stood up.

Jay nodded, and followed Adam.

"Wait in here, and I'll get Erin." Adam whispered.

Jay nodded, and sat on the couch.

"One sec." Adam shut the door.

Jay sighed, he was slowly readjusting to home.

After a moment. Adam saw Kim and Erin talking.

"Yeah, I know, but I just miss him." Erin sighed.

Kim nodded, and smiled sadly.

"Sorry to interrupt, but, someone is eager to see Erin." Adam smiled.

Erin was confused, so she asked.

"Eager? Who?" Erin asked.

"Well, go into the breakroom, and find out!!" Adam explained.

Erin nodded, and walked to the breakroom.

"Is it Jay?" Kim whispered.

"Yes." Adam nodded.

Kim nodded, and sat at her desk.

After a few minutes. Erin walked into the breakroom.

"Hi Jay." Erin walked to the coffee machine.

Erin stopped short, then looked back.

"Jay?" Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, and stood up.

"Hi Beautiful." Jay opened his arms.

"JAY!!" Erin jumped into his arms.

Jay caught Erin, and cried.

"I'm here baby, I'm right here." Jay rubbed Erin's back.

Erin sobbed into Jay's shoulder, and clung to his top.

"W-Why didn't you tell me!!" Erin whimpered.

"I wanted it to be a surprise!!" Jay giggled.

"Your an asshole!!" Erin giggled.

"Yeah, but I'm your asshole." Jay smirked.

Erin laughed, and Voight walked in.

"HALSTEAD!!" Hank yelled.

Jay got startled, and instantly grabbed his gun.

"Woah! Woah! It's alright baby, It's just Hank." Erin stepped in front of Jay.

Jay caught his breath, and put his gun down.

"I-I'm sorry..." Jay whispered.

"No worries kiddo!!" Hank smiled.

Jay nodded, and smiled.

After a few hours. The unit all went home, and were happy Jay was home.

Hi My Readers

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Comment and suggest!!

~ stay safe 😊

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