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Kim was in the lounge with Jay, until she started crying.

"Jay-Jay!" Kim whimpered.

Jay looked up, and saw his baby sister cry.

"Hey, what's up?" Jay asked.

Kim pouted, and pointed to her tummy.

"Tummy ache?" Jay questioned.

Kim nodded, and cried.

"Oh, Peanuts." Jay nicknamed.

Kim reached her arms up, while suckling on her pacifier.

"Come here, then." Jay smiled.

Jay picked Kim up, and sat on the couch.

"W-Where's Bot Bot?" Kim babbled.

Jay knew Kim meant her baby bottle, it was just her way of saying bottle, and Jay found it cute.

"Bot Bot is in the car, Kim." Jay used the same words.

Kim nodded, and continued suckling on her pacifier.

"Alright, let's go!" Jay smiled.

Kim lied her head on Jay's shoulder, while whimpering.

"Aww, It's okay, I think Erin has some medicine." Jay smiled.

Kim nodded, and smiled.

"Rin-Rin!" Kim chirped.

Jay nodded, she loved Kim's nickname for Erin.

"Yep! Let's go!" Jay exclaimed.

Jay opened the apartment door, and left.

A few hours later. Jay and Kim arrived into the bullpen.

"Hi Gang!" Jay chirped.

The unit all said their hello's, and noticed a sleepy, feverish Kim.

Kim opened her baby blue eyes, and noticed the whole team.

"Aww, Kim looks so ill.." Erin spoke up.

"Yeah, have you got that baby medicine?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded, and took it out of her bag.

"Here it is.." Erin smiled.

Jay thanked Erin, and woke Kim up.

"Hey, here's some medicine, wanna open your eyes, peanuts?" Jay asked.

Kim let out a scream, as she fought sleep.

"Hey, Hey, wanna come to Auntie Erin?" Erin held her arms out.

Kim noticed her auntie, and nodded.

"RIN-RIN!" Kim shouted.

Erin gently took Kim out of Jay's arms.

"Let's sit in the breakroom." Erin decided.

Kim nodded sleepily, and lied her head on Erin's shoulder.

Jay followed them into the breakroom, and shut the door.

The unit all looked back at their computer screens.

"Okay, open that little mouth.." Erin whispered.

Kim opened her baby mouth, and giggled.

"Here comes the train!!" Erin smiled.

Kim took the medicine, and groaned.

"Ugh..." Kim spat.

Erin and Jay laughed softly.

"I know, it's bitter, but It'll help you feel better!" Jay smiled.

Kim nodded, and cried.

"BOT BOT!!" Kim craved.

Jay picked up the baby bottle, and handed it to Kim.

"Here's Bot Bot..." Jay smiled.

Kim took her baby bottle, and suckled.

"Good girl." Erin smiled.

Kim closed her sleepy eyes, and kept suckling her bottle.

A few hours later. Kim was perking up a bit.

"W-Where's Bubba?" Kim asked.

Jay was confused.

"Will's at Med, Hon." Jay replied.

Kim shook her head, she didn't mean Will, she meant Mouse.

"No! Justin! Mousey!" Kim repeated.

Justin was Kim's first go to, if she needed help. Kim still sees Mouse, but when she sick, or upset, the only person she wants is Mouse.

"I'm here!" Mouse smiled.

Kim noticed Mouse, and ran over.

"MOUSEY!!" Kim screamed.

The unit all awed at the cute interaction with Kim and Mouse.

"Tummy ache, Mousey!" Kim whimpered.

Mouse pouted, and picked up Kim.

"We can't have that can we?" Mouse smiled.

Kim shook her head, and giggled.

It soon reached bedtime, and Jay, Erin, and Kim arrived home.

"The Medicine worked, her fever's broken." Jay whispered.

"Told you..." Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, and walked with Erin.

Jay and Erin fell asleep in each other's arms.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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