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Adam was walking into the bullpen, until he heard whimpers from the breakroom.

Adam quickly walked into the breakroom, and realised the whimpers were coming from Jay.

"Jay?" Adam whispered.

Adam came closer, and touched Jay's shoulder.

"Jay?" Adam shook Jay's shoulder.

Jay startled awake, and got into protective mode.

"Woah!" Adam went into protective mode to.

Jay put his arms down, when realising it was only Adam.

"S-Sorry Man! Just came in here to take a nap." Jay rubbed his eyes.

"A nap? It's 7;30 in the AM, Man!" Adam explained.

Jay rubbed his eyes, and looked shock.

"W-Wow!" Jay got up.

As Jay got up, and Adam spoke.

"You alright?" Adam made sure.

Jay stopped short, and nodded.

"Yeah, Man, Just a bad dream." Jay nodded.

Adam nodded, he knew he had to tell Erin.

After a few moments. Erin walked in, and saw Jay at his desk.

"Lindsay? Borrow you for a sec?" Adam asked.

Erin nodded, and walked over to Adam.

"What's up?" Erin drank some of her coffee.

"Well, I come in early, and I saw Jay having a nightmare on the couch, I went to wake him up, but he went into protective mode." Adam explained.

"Aww, My poor baby, yeah, he hit me in the side once, but I'm fine, I-I'll talk to him, thanks for telling me." Erin smiled.

Adam nodded, and sat down at his desk.

Hank came out of his office, and said they got a case.

"Alright, we got a case." Hank left for the stairs.

The unit all got up, and walked downstairs.

After Awhile. The unit arrived at the scene, and Jay went straight in.

"HALSTEAD!!" Voight shouted.

Jay went under the yellow tape, and began walking.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!" Hank ordered.

Jay ignored his orders, and carried on walking in.

"Someone go and drag Jay's ass here!" Voight ordered.

"I-I'll go." Erin left.

Erin ran after Jay, seeing patrol.

"Hey, Detective Lindsay, Intelligence, did you see where my partner went?" Erin asked.

Patrol pointed to the big black door.

"Thanks." Erin ran.

Erin opened the door, and saw Jay leaning over the body.

"Come on!! Stay with me!!" Jay begged.

The victim was just lying there, helpless.

Erin walked closer to Jay, and spoke.

"Jay?" Erin called.

Jay didn't hear Erin, he was to busy saving a live.

"Jay..." Erin whispered.

Silence from Jay.

Jay heard footsteps, and instantly trained his gun at Erin.

"JAY!!" Erin yelled.

Jay was brought back into the reality of the real world, and noticed his gun pointed at Erin.

"Erin.....I-I'm.." Jay was lost for words.

Erin shook her head, and removed her vest.

"It's okay, I'm here." Erin crouched down.

Erin gently took the gun out of Jay's hands, and pulled him into her arms.

"I-I'm so sorry!!" Jay cried.

Erin knew Jay's actions were from his nightmare.

"Sssh, I got you, I'm not mad, It's just the aftermath of you nightmare." Erin soothed.

The whole unit were watching how calm Jay went in Erin's arms.

"It's alright, I'm here." Erin kissed Jay's head.

"Take him home when he's calmed down." Voight smiled.

Erin nodded, and rubbed Jay's back.

After a few hours. Erin and Jay walked into their apartment.

"Here's your medication, babe." Erin gave Jay two pills.

Jay took the pills with some water, and swallowed them.

"Better?" Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, and closed his eyes.

Erin sat down on the couch, and pulled Jay down to her lap.

"I know you didn't have anyone to comfort you, when you had your nightmare, but I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." Erin promised.

Jay smiled, and fell asleep.

After a moment. Erin settled down, and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay safe 😊

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