~Kim, and Hailey kidnapped~

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Undercover names:

Hailey: (Nikki)

Kim: (Sarah)

The unit were in their car, and Voight gave out orders.

"Kim? Go in the store, and see what's going on!" Hank ordered.

Kim radioed back, and walked into the shop.

"Hailey, stay put, we might need you." Hank explained.

"Yep, copy!" Hailey radioed.

Hank nodded, and sat back in his seat.

After a few seconds. Kim was spying on the two wanted convicts, and walked up to them.

"Hey!" Kim called.

Ben and Victor looked round, and spoke.

"What do you want, lady?" Victor asked.

"Well, My brother wants to buy some guns..." Kim explained.

Ben and Victor looked at each other, and Ben spoke.

"What kind is your brother looking for?" Ben wondered.

"What kind you got?" Kim asked.

"Well, we got them in the car..." Victor started.

"Alright! Let's go!" Kim smiled.

Ben and Victor nodded, and led the way out.

"Kim's on the move, with two guys..." Jay whispered.

Kevin nodded, and looked over.

"Let's move!" Jay whispered.

Kevin nodded again, and walked.

"Hey! W-What are you two doing?" The Guard asked.

Jay and Kevin sighed, and spoke.

"J-Just on our way out.." Jay smiled.

The Guard nodded, and kept speaking to them.

Hank could tell Jay, and Kevin were being held back, so Hank radioed the rest of the team.

"Alright, Burgess, is out of the shop, do not engage, I repeat, do not engage!" Hank radioed.

The unit all replied back, and waited for Hank's next order.

Kim started looking around, and saw the unit.

"Just down here.." Victor whispered.

"Okay!" Kim nodded.

After a few seconds. They arrived at the van, and Victor opened the doors.

The van was filled with multiple guns, and vests.

"Woah! These are great!" Kim spoke.

"These the kind, your brother's looking for?" Ben smirked.

Kim nodded, and brought out her phone.

"Exactly! I'm just gonna send a pic to my brother." Kim explained.

Kim took her phone out, and took a photo.

"Great!" Kim whispered.

After a second. Adam got the photo, and radioed to Voight.

"Hey, boss, these guns were used in two armed robbery's, and three murders." Adam reported.

Hank replied back, and Hailey spoke to Jay.

"I-I'm gonna see, what's going on." Hailey unbuckled her belt.

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