Hiding Injury!!

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TW: I'd advise not eating when reading the last part!!

It was one morning, and Erin was walking into the bullpen, with a limp.

"Erin? You alright?" Kim questioned.

Erin looked over at Kim, and smiled.

"Yep!" Erin slowly sat at her desk.

"You sure? Cause, you look like you've hurt your leg?" Antonio explained.

Erin looked around making sure Jay wasn't in sight.

"A-Alright!! I-I twisted my ankle when I was taking Kohl out." Erin admitted.

The whole unit gave their responses, and Erin spoke again.

"So, please, do not tell Jay, he has enough worry on his plate, then having to deal with a minor injury." Erin explained.

"We got you!!" Kim called.

Erin smiled, and got on with her work.

After Awhile. Erin's ankle started seizing up.

"Ugh!" Erin groaned.

Luckily no one heard.

Erin got up, and tried walking, but fell to the floor.

"ERIN!!" Kim quickly got up.

The team took notice, and rushed to Erin.

"I-Is it your ankle?" Kim whispered.

Erin nodded, and tried breathing through the pain.

"Can I have a look?" Kim asked.

Erin nodded, and took deep breaths.

Kim gently lifted up Erin's Jeans, and saw the swelling on her ankle.

"Oh Erin! T-This looks so painful!!" Adam piped up.

Erin nodded, and cried.

"I-I want J-Jay..." Erin whimpered.

Antonio nodded, and went to get Jay.

"Tony's gone to get Jay, don't worry." Kim smiled.

"Here's the icepack babe!" Adam handed Kim the pack.

Kim placed the icepack on Erin's ankle, hoping to ease the swelling.

After a few minutes. Antonio rushed out with a anxious Jay.

"Erin?" Jay called.

Erin gave a whimper in response.

Jay heard the whimper, and saw Erin crying.

"Oh baby!! I-I'm here, I'm right here." Jay soothed.

Erin clung onto Jay's shirt, and closed her eyes.

"Alright, we need to get you to Med." Jay gently lifted Erin.

Erin nodded, and sighed.

"Get well soon Erin!!" The unit called.

Erin was in too much pain to respond.

After Awhile. Nat had Erin in a room, so she could check her ankle.

"Oh Honey, I can see some pus, we'll have to drain it out." Natalie decided.

Erin nodded, and squeezed Jay's hand tightly.

"It's gonna be okay baby, I'm right here." Jay kissed Erin's hand.

Erin nodded, and saw Natalie getting the equipment.

"Alright, just gonna cleanse the area." Natalie gently used some antiseptic to clean the area of Erin's ankle.

Erin nodded again, and felt the needle.

"Alright, I'm going to inject in 3 different places, then it should go down."  Natalie smiled.

"O-Okay..." Erin whispered.

Natalie nodded, and began doing small pricks in Erin's ankle, so the fluid will escape.

After a moment. fluid flushed out, and Erin let out a sigh of relief.

"That's all done!! I'd like to keep you in overnight, In case something goes wrong." Natalie placed a bandage on Erin's ankle.

Erin and Jay nodded, and Natalie left the room.

"Why didn't you tell me baby?" Jay asked.

"Cause, you had a lot on your plate, I didn't wanna add anything else." Erin admitted.

Jay sighed, and smiled softly.

"Aww, but, I wouldn't of minded, your my wife, and I love you." Jay kissed Erin's head.

Erin smiled, and settled against Jay's chest.

"I love you so much." Jay whispered.

"I love you too!!" Erin whispered back.

Jay smiled, and closed his eyes.

Erin closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay safe 😊

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