~Young Jay~

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It was morning, and Jay was feeling like shit, but he didn't wanna ruin his dad's workday.

"Here we are, kiddo!" Hank turned the engine off.

Jay nodded, and got out of the car.

"Wanna hold my hand?" Hank asked.

Jay nodded, and placed his small hand, in Hank's big hand.

"Let's go.." Hank walked inside.

Jay nodded, and sniffled.

"You alright, bud?" Platt asked.

"Y-Yes..." Jay mumbled.

Jay had known Platt for a very long time, she was the adoptive mom of Jay, and Will, and they were very fond of her.

"Alright, go on up!" Platt smiled.

"T-Tanks mama..." Jay clung tightly to Hank's hand.

Trudy smiled, and went back to her paperwork.

Hank smiled back, and walked upstairs, with Jay next to him.

After a few minutes. Hank and Jay walked into the bullpen, and saw the unit.

"Morning!" Hank called.

The unit looked up, and said their hello's.

"Hey, Champ." Erin smiled.

Jay cuddled into Erin's legs, and sniffled.

"Woah, it's alright.." Erin soothed.

Hank sighed, he had no idea what was going on with his son.

"He's been clingy all morning, Erin..." Hank explained.

Erin nodded, and picked Jay up.

"Hey, what's going on?" Erin whispered.

Jay buried his face in Erin's neck, and sniffled.

"I'll talk to him..." Erin nodded.

Hank nodded, and walked into his office.

Erin took Jay into the breakroom, and closed the door.

"Alright, what's going on?" Erin questioned.

Jay rubbed his itchy eyes, and sniffled.

"S-Sick...." Jay whimpered.

Erin pouted, she could see how red, and scratchy, Jay's eyes were.

"Aww, buddy..." Erin smiled sadly.

Jay broke into sobs, and rubbed his eyes.

"Okay, it's alright, I'm here." Erin reassured.

Erin brought Jay into her arms, rocking him softly.

"D-Daddy, I-I want d-daddy...." Jay whimpered again.

Erin nodded, and bounced Jay in her arms.

"Let's get you daddy..." Erin stood up.

Jay cuddled into Erin's arms, and closed his eyes.

Erin walked into the bullpen, and saw Hailey.

"Jay okay?" Upton asked.

"Yeah, he's just a bit cranky, and tired." Erin kept it brief.

The unit nodded, and cracked on with their paperwork.

Erin knocked lightly on Hank's door, waiting to go in.

"Enter!" Hank called.

Erin opened the door, and shut it softly.

"What's up, Erin?" Hank asked.

Erin sat on the couch, and explained.

"Jay's not feeling too good, he has a temperature, I think it's a bad cold." Erin whispered.

Hank nodded, and walked over.

"No wonder he was so clingy, and miserable." Hank sighed.

Erin nodded, and handed Jay to Hank.

"I'm here, sweet boy.." Hank kissed Jay's sleepy head.

Jay cuddled into Hank's chest, and snored.

"I'll take him home.." Hank mouthed.

Erin smiled, and nodded.

After Awhile. Hank took Jay home, and the unit carried on with the case.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay Safe 😊

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