~Kim and Hailey sisters~

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Kim and Hailey were asleep in their beds, looking forward to seeing the district.

Kim woke up, and scrambled out of bed.

"HAILEY!!" Kim shouted.

Hailey groaned, and opened her eyes.

"W-What?" Hailey mumbled.

Kim put her jeans on, and spoke.

"Come on, come on, were seeing the district, with dad." Kim giggled.

Hailey giggled as well, and got out of bed.

"Let's go!!" Kim ran out.

Hailey followed Kim, and ran downstairs.

Voight was downstairs, and heard giggles.

"Morning girls!" Voight smiled.

"Morning dad!" Kim and Hailey smiled.

Voight served the girls breakfast, and ate a granola bar.

"Oh Boy, Oh Boy!!" Kim kicked her legs out, excitedly.

"Alright, I know your excited, but you'll soon be sad, if you you spill your cereal, over yourself." Hank smirked.

Kim nodded, and finished her breakfast.

"Done!!" Kim cleared her mouth.

Hailey nodded, and smiled.

"Good Job, go get your coats." Hank requested.

"Yippee!" Kim and Hailey got up.

Hank laughed softly, and poured his tea away.

After About 15 minutes. Hank was driving, and Kim was playing with Hailey.

"Ooh, Hailey has a crush...." Kim giggled.

Hank frowned, and asked.

"Hailey Anne?" Hank asked.

Hailey turned red, and explained.

"I-It Jay-Jay..." Hailey blushed.

Hank and Kim smirked, they gotta admit, Hailey picked a good one.

"Alright, let's go in!" Hank killed the ignition.

Kim and Hailey jumped out, and rushed into the district.

Hank followed Kim and Hailey, after saying Hi to Platt.

After a second. The unit was surrounding Kim and Hailey in hugs.

"JAY-JAY!!" Hailey yelled.

Jay stopped short, and looked over.

"HAILS!!" Jay smiled.

Hailey ran her little legs, into Jay's arms, and hugged him.

"Hehe...." Hailey giggled.

Jay giggled as well, and saw Kim.

"Come here, Kim." Jay crouched down.

Kim ran into Jay's arm, and snuggled down.

The unit were in awe, they could see how attached, Kim and Hailey were, with Jay.

"I think someone has a small crush..." Adam whispered.

Hank looked at Adam, and nodded.

"Yep! Hailey told me in the car, it's adorable actually..." Hank explained.

Adam smiled, and stood there.

After a few hours. Everyone was having pizza.

"Jay-Jay?" Kim asked.

"Yes, Kim?" Jay replied.

"Hailey has a HUGE crush on you!!" Kim smirked.

Jay choked on his coffee, so did Erin.

"W-Wow, umm." Jay coughed.

"That's sweet, baby." Erin looked at Jay.

"Yeah, I guess it is..." Jay smiled.

After about six hours. Jay was speaking to Hailey, and she was crushed.

"DADDY!!" Hailey yelled.

Hank picked Hailey up, and rocked her.

"I know it hurts, but, Jay's got a wife, baby, maybe someday, you'll meet someone, extra hot." Hank giggled.

Hailey nodded, and closed her eyes.

"Time to go home?" Hank whispered.

Hailey only nodded, and fell asleep.

"Alright, let's go Kim!" Hank grabbed the bags.

Kim was chatting up Adam, and Hank saw how uncomfortable Adam felt.


Kim got startled, and walked up to Hank.

"S-Sorry, daddy..." Kim looked down.

Hank shook his head, and patted Kim's shoulder.

"No worries, Adam's not really the intimate conversation....type." Hank took a breath.

Adam faked offense, and giggled.

"Let's go girls!!" Hank lead the way.

"WAIT!!" Kim ran back to Jay.

Hank stopped short, and waited for Kim.

"JAY-JAY!!" Kim yelled.

Jay crouched down, and smiled.

"What's up?" Jay smiled.

Kim gave a small kiss, on Jay's cheek.

"That's from my sister, she's too tired, to do it herself..." Kim explained.

Jay laughed, and saw Hailey sucking on her thumb.

"I can tell.." Jay giggled.

Kim nodded, and ran back towards Hank, and Hailey.

"Ready, now?" Hank asked.

Kim nodded, and walked downstairs.

"BYE FAM!" Kevin yelled.

They all said goodbye, and went home.

Hi My Readers!!

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay Safe 😊

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