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Chapter 53: Don't hoard land

A few days later, Yun An got feedback from Zhang Peng and determined that he had found a suitable garment factory.

"It was introduced by a friend of mine, that factory has been generally profitable recently, and if you ask for more here, the price can be cheaper." Zhang Peng said.

"Business is bad?" Yun An asked.

"The style can't keep up, coupled with the backward machinery of the garment factory, there are always problems, big orders dare not accept, small orders earn too little," Zhang Peng explained, "but your friend doesn't ask for much, there should be no problem."

"If there is a problem with the machine, why don't you let people fix it?" Yun An was surprised.

"The repair fee is too expensive," Zhang Peng said, "It is said that the owner of this garment factory intends to sell the garment factory."

"No wonder." Yun An nodded, if the owner of the garment factory really plans to carry out the garment business for a long time, even if the cost of the machine is expensive, he will let people repair it, but since he has planned to sell it, the money for repairing the machine can naturally be saved.

"I have probably already said this business, the specific situation will be discussed again, do I go by myself, or will you go with me?" Zhang Peng asked, although he cared about Yun An's studies, he also hoped that Yun An could be alone.

"I..." Yun An was interrupted before saying a word.

"I'll go with Xiao An," Chu Xuan spoke up from the side, "Just tomorrow and Saturday, I'll take him to learn about business."

"You can go with Xiao An," Zhang Peng nodded, "I have some information there, I'll go and get it to you."

"I'll go with you." Chu Xuan took the initiative and left with Zhang Peng.

The remaining three sat there, and after the two left, Zhao Yuanfei rubbed to Yun An's side: "Xiao An'an, tell me, is there anything strange about Xiao Chu recently?" "Strange

place?" Yun An was puzzled, "What about specifics?"

"For example... What special person did you meet? Zhao Yuanfei considered his words, because he was afraid of being troubled by Chu Xuan, he did not dare to reveal too much information.

"Someone special?" Yun An really circled through his mind for a while before shaking his head, "As far as I know, there is no such person, but it is also possible that I did not find it."

"Well, even you don't know, that's strange." Zhao Yuanfei touched his chin.

"What happened?" Yun An asked.

"It's okay," Zhao Yuanfei waved his hand, "Don't tell Xiao Chu that I asked this question later, otherwise he will definitely find me trouble."

Yun An nodded, still feeling that Zhao Yuanfei's question was very strange, but since Zhao Yuanfei said so, he didn't think much about it.

After a while, Chu Xuan and Zhang Peng came out, and Chu Xuan really held some information in his hand.

"Let's go back, tomorrow I'll accompany you to the garment factory." Chu Xuan said.

"Good." Yun An nodded.

After the two left, Zhao Yuanfei let out a long sigh: "It's miserable, even Xiao An doesn't know, where are we going to find the person who was remembered by Xiao Chu?"

"Maybe it's someone close to us?" Luo Yanghong guessed.

"It's impossible, if it's someone close to us, it's impossible for us not to find out," Zhang Peng shook his head, "but you can also see that Xiao Chu has always been with Xiao An in addition to being closer to us."

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