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Chapter 60: Getting to Know Each Other

Chu Xuan hid his confusion about Yun An deep in his heart, he always believed that it was impossible for a person to do things without showing the slightest trace, and sooner or later, he would know what the hell Yun An was doing.

Unlike Chu Xuan, who was full of confusion, Yun An's performance was much calmer, he still went to school as usual, and he came back every day to review his homework as always.

However, in the past few days, Duan Yimeng came to school every day full of energy, and his motivation to study suddenly became stronger.

"So happy?" Yun An could probably guess the reason why Duan Yimeng looked like this, and asked with a smile.

"Boss, I'm so happy!!!" Duan Yimeng said excitedly, "I'm also rich.

"Rich man?" Yun An raised his eyebrows.

Duan Yimeng immediately nodded, told Yun An about the family's share of money, and then patted his pocket excitedly: "Boss, I'll treat you to something delicious later."

"Or let me ask you, keep the money in your pocket for yourself." Yun An said with a smile, not meaning to let Duan Yimeng entertain.

"No, boss, I must have a treat, without you, I definitely can't make money," Duan Yimeng took Yun An's arm, "Boss, please give me a chance."

"Well, give you a chance." Yun An chuckled.

Duan Yimeng's so-called treat will naturally not be a real meal, but compared to his usual meals, this meal is definitely a big meal within a big meal.

"Boss, I suddenly found that I can only live a good life if I follow you, and I will follow you in the future." Duan Yimeng said.

"Now your task is to study hard and don't forget the top three in the grade." Yun An knocked on the desktop.

In the past, every time Yun An mentioned this topic, Duan Yimeng would hold his head and pretend to wail, but this time, he smiled: "The boss is right, I must be in the top three of the grade."

Yun An could probably guess the reason for Duan Yimeng's transformation, smiled and did not continue the topic: "I'll go to your house at night?"

"Uh-huh," Duan Yimeng nodded, "I've already prepared the accounts for the past few days, so I must ask the boss to take a look."

"You settle the score, I don't worry." Yun An said with a smile.

In the evening, Duan's family.

"In the past few days, a total of fifty pieces of clothes and fifty pairs of pants have been sold, the total income is 853 yuan, the cost is deducted from 300, the net profit is 553, we take 55 yuan and 3 Mao, and the rest are the boss." Duan Yimeng explained the account clearly, then took out the money that belonged to them and handed over all the rest of the money to Yun An.

"Fifty clothes, fifty pairs of pants? Or sell ten clothes, ten pairs of pants a day? Yun An was surprised, he didn't expect a few people to do this.

"That's what my mother said." Father Duan looked at Grandma Duan.

Yun An looked at Grandma Duan: "Is it still sold outside the amusement park?"

"No," Grandma Duan shook her head: "On Monday, I estimated that there were not many people outside the amusement park, so I went to the vicinity of the vegetable market, and it didn't sell well at first, but when the stall was closed in the afternoon, we shouted a few words like you did that day, but I didn't expect that the rest of the clothes were sold out, and some people couldn't buy it and asked when we would go again, so we have been selling clothes near the vegetable market for the next few days."

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