Chapter 5

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Tim's pov
I see her response that it went good, I want to be relieved... I mean I kind of am but at the same time I wish it was me that she wanted. I've never felt like this over anyone before. I remember her first day as a rookie when Grey called her a Hot Shot I mean he wasn't wrong now was he, I knew she was different from the first time I saw her. She aced every Tim Test I gave her, she saved my life and she smashed every scenario we was in without showing a single slither of fear. It wasn't till I pulled her out of that barrel and giving her mouth to mouth, the CPR, dragging her close to me that I realised how small she is. She's so small but had so much fight in her, so much fire, it was attractive how strong she was. I just hoped Caleb hadn't taken all this from her because right now she's just a shell of who she once was. I don't reply, instead I message Angela and let her know that whoever she was with it went well according Lucy and that she was safe. I take Kojo for his walk before coming back, having food and getting ready for bed. I climb into bed and go to sleep.

Lucy's PoV
I wake up to my alarm going off, I sit up and just stare for a second before checking my phone.
Chris: you was such a good girl yesterday, I'm proud of you. Don't forget how fucking attractive you are. I'll be over later today around 3. See you soon babygirl
Tim : Morning, ive an early shift this morning so I'll be over around 6. Any chance I could come in and get a coffee at yours?
Seeing Chris message makes me feel uneasy, but he's telling me how attractive I am and I don't get it. I don't understand how he could possibly think that I'm attractive. I read Tim's message and glance at the time. 5:40 fuck I need to get up. I quickly dash out of bed and into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and my hair leaving my hair down which I don't normally do. Cleansing my face being careful when it comes to the hand print bruise which is now even more profound. I go into the bedroom, covering up the hickey and hand print bruise across my face. I throw on a black tight long sleeve top, with some dark grey shorts. I walk into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water, opening the cupboard I see my weight loss tablets. I debate it for a second before ultimately grabbing them, walking towards the sofa I sit down. I take a couple of the weight loss tablets with my glass of water. I place my weight loss tablets down on the table.
"Morning Lucy it's just me" Tim shouts.
I put my glass down on the table and go the front door, unlocking it, opening it. I see Tim stood there in his uniform.

Tim's pov
She opens the door, i just stare.. her long dark brown silky hair draping down her back, her deep brown eyes starring at me, black skin tight long sleeve top that just fits her skin like a glove, her breasts just sat so perfectly, her cute little dark grey shorts that just cover her arse. God this woman is like an Angel.
"Morning, sorry for the early visit. Can I come in?" I ask her.
"Of courses " she says and she moves to the side. I walk in, closing the door behind me. I glance around her living room. She has such a beautiful style I mean what did I expect. She always had an eye for style. I notice the weight loss tablets on the table but I decide not to bring it up just yet.

Lucy's pov
I let him in, I head to the kitchen and make his coffee. I always remembered exactly how he liked it, it was like second nature. "Make yourself at home" i smile at him. I go to the sofa where Tim is sat and hand him his coffee. I sit on the sofa next to him but there's a slight gap between us. He takes the coffee and has a sip. "Thank you Lucy, it's perfect. You know me so well" he says. Without a second thought "too well" I reply back with a smile. It was like second nature, id not realised I'd said till the words had left my mouth. We both giggle.

Tim's pov
She remembered exactly how I like my coffee, the saying about knowing each other too well happened again.. surely this isn't a coincidence. We really do know each other well then I suppose. "How are you feeling today?" I ask her unsure if it's a good idea maybe I should have talked about work I'm sure she'd love to know what's going on but my mind won't stop thinking about what's potentially bothering her. It's all I can think about, at work, on the way to Lucy's, walking Kojo, making food, going to sleep, having a shower. She's all I think about.

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