Chapter 112

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Lucy's pov
"Lucy, I wasn't expecting you, come in" he says smiling at me and I walk in. He closes the door behind me.
"Is everything okay?" He asks me quietly.
"Everything's fine, I was just wondering if I could work the night shift tonight?"
"Work the nightshift? Willingly?" He chuckles. "Are you okay"
"Nyla said the same but is it possible?"
"Of course it is, you can start whenever you want."
"Thank you sir, is it possible for myself to be solo and to take the high risk calls?"
"Lucy are you okay?"
"No I'm fine, I just need the thrill, the excitement that's all."
"Understood, but yes that's fine. Just please be careful out there and if you need backup call it in okay?"
"I will sir but I'm more than capable of handling myself."
"I know you are. Be safe"
"Thank you sir, I will go get changed and I'll start right away." I say as I turn to walk towards the door before I briefly turn back around looking at Grey.

"Yes Lucy?"
"Is it possible I can do an undercover case?"
"An undercover case?" He says confusedly as he looks back up at me. "Is there a case that has your interest?"
"Not exactly sir. It was one that was closed but I have suspicions that one of the crew members we arrested, who is now out of prisons is taking over till the leader gets out of the prison"
"Go on" he says intrigued.
"Sir do I have your permission to go undercover starting in two days?"
"Lucy you know you can't just go under like that, it has to be prepared for and approved by higher ups. You have to be infiltrated into the gang first."
"I'm aware and I know the captain of the LAPD Martin and the head of FBI Natalie will approve of this instantly."
"This is to do with Mateo isn't it?"
"It is, I'm already infiltrated into the gang, made connections. It will be approved."
"This is risky. Way too risky for you to go in and do this especially after the last two times. I'm not approving this."
"Sir respectfully I can handle this. I handled it last time, I can do it again."
"You nearly died Lucy! In fact you did die, you had to be brought back to life. I nearly lost you Lucy, you're like a daughter to me and I nearly lost you. I'm not going to allow that to happen again" he says and I can hear his voice cracking.
I just stare at him, my heart almost skipping a beat.
I sigh deeply, the silence just echoing through the room. His eyes watering.

"Sir..I.." I stutter nervously.
"Im sorry I shouldn't have said that, it's just you seem happy now and I don't want you to go back to how you was."
I step towards him and he takes a hold of my hand looking at me. "I'm going no where okay? I'm here. I can handle this."
"I know you can. I know how strong you are.  Look go do your shift, I'll think about it okay?"
"Okay sir, please just keep this between us. The less people that know the better, at least until you have made the decision."
"I will but if I do approve this I need you to discuss it with Tim first. He was an absolute nightmare last time, I know it was his fault but just speak to him" he chuckles.
I giggle. "Understood sir" I say as I move my hand and walk out of the office.
"Be safe" he says firmly. "I will" I say as I shut the door behind me.

"Angela" I say as I walk over towards her, she immediately jumps up and pulls me in for a hug. I reluctantly hug her back.
"Ange hey what's wrong?" I say as I pull back from her.
"Nothing, I'm just glad to see you, that is all" she says smiling at me.
"Please don't tell me Tim rang you?" I say rolling my eyes.
"He did didn't he? Fuck sake. Look tell him I'm okay, I've left my phone at home. I'm working the nightshift and I'll be home soon."
"He was worried about you and rightly so" she says.
"Rightly so? So what? I'm not allowed space?" I say frustratedly.
"Of course you are but after today with your parents he was worried"
"And I pinky promised him I would go home and I will do. I'm fine okay?"
"Okay Lucy okay. Let me look at your arm then"
"Huh?" I say nervously stuttering.
"Let me look at your arm" she says again more firmly as she reaches her hands towards mine. I flinch and put my arm behind my back.
"I need to go get changed ready to go out on the road." I say as I quickly turn around to walk away from her. I start immediately walking towards the locker room, my heart beating out of my chest, my hands shaking from how anxious I feel.

I get to the locker room, I walk straight to my locker, unlocking it.
"Lucy, let me look."
"No Angela. Just stop it okay" I say firmly as I grab my uniform, and walk into the changing room. I lock my cubicle door, I slowly take my top off, staring at my wrist, seeing each mark I had made. I quickly get changed and as I walk out of the cubicle I notice that Angela is stood there staring at me in front of my locker.
"Angela please can I just get to my locker" I say softly and she steps out of the way. I open my locker and put my clothes inside, shutting my locker.
"Hand now Lucy" she says as she grabs ahold of my hand.
"Get off me!" I shout at her as I snatch my hand back.
"You have done it Lucy, it's okay. I just want to make sure it isn't too deep and that you're okay that's all."
"Ange..." I say quietly.
"Lucy I know. It's okay, just let me look please"
"It's fine. Honest. If it was deep or whatever id sort it okay. I need to go" I say as I step past her, I look back. "I'm okay I promise you" I say smiling at her softly as I walk out to get my war bag, radio and shop keys.

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