Chapter 63

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Tims pov
"Family of Lucy Chen?" The lead doctor asks
"Here" we say in unison.
"Is she erm.." i say looking at them, what if she is..she's a fighter.. she's got to be here...I've not seen her the way she was.. what if she couldn't do it..
"She's alive" he says.
She's alive. She is alive. I burst into tears, my girl is alive.
I hear everyone sigh in relief, this worry, this tension just gone.
"How is she?" I ask. As long as she was alive nothing else mattered.
"So she did crash twice but we brought her back. She lost a lot blood so she's had two blood transfusions. She's stable. She's bruised, but considering everything she's incredibly lucky to be here especially because if the bullet had been a centimetre to the left it would have punctured her lung. She does need to take it easy with her stitches. No bending over, no stretching for a few days." He says.
"Thank you! Thank you so much" I say shaking his hand.
"We do have one concern, we noticed that the last time she was here she was underweight. When we was operating there was some internal bleeding in her stomach, we believe that this caused by excessive amounts of throwing up with there not being enough food in her system to bring up. Has she had a bug recently?" He asks.
"No, she's not had a bug. She had some news last week and threw up thick black stuff" they didn't need to know what it was, i mean we didn't even know but we had our suspicions.
"Understood however we think this is more recent, how is she doing with her eating?" He asks.
"It's hit and miss." I say slightly worried.
"Okay, has she been going to the bathroom after eating?" He asks. I knew what he was getting at. I began thinking back to when she ate last. And she did. She did go to the bathroom. Surely not. Id know right?
"I mean the last time she ate she did" i say.
"Okay, it might have been a one off but I suggest you keep an eye on this behaviour. But right now she's fine. She's okay and you can go see her. She will be waking up shortly. She's in room 23" he says smiling as hun and the other doctors leave the room. She's alive.
"I told you son she's a fighter" Grey says smiling.
"A badass" Angela chirps in.
"That's my girl" i smile with the biggest smile. "Now if you don't mind I'm off to go be with my girl" i say jumping up.
"You go be with her but maybe wash your hands first" Angela says.
I look down and see my hand still covered in Lucy's blood. "Oh yeah" I say.
"I'll bring you both some clothes later" Angela says.
"Thank you" i say as I head to the bathroom and wash my hands.
The tap runs, and I scrub her blood away, seeing it going down the drain. I just keep seeing her laid there. The moment she stopped.
Come on Tim. She's okay.
I walk out and head up to the corridor she's on.
Room 19 room 21 room 23.
I open the door gently and walk in.
She's laid there, in her hospital gown, her head gently placed on the pillow her soft brown hair laid all around her face. The IV in her arm, she's tucked into the blanket. Her face no longer as pale as it was, the little rosy cheeks were coming back. Her eyes closed. She looked peaceful. The blood from her nose was gone, her lip was a little swollen still, she had a black eye, her neck was red, you could see where he grabbed her by the neck but also the chain marks. The chain marks that went around her neck and onto her wrists.
I walk over and sit in the chair next to her bed, taking hold of her hand, playing with her fingers in my hand. It was like Deja vu of the last time we was here.

Lucy's pov
I feel this pain in my stomach, it feels like being shot all over again. I feel someone holding my hand but by the way they're playing with my fingers I know it's Tim. The lights are bright, the smell of bleach is strong, it's loud but also so quiet. I jump in pain, the feeling of the bullet going through skin.
"Baby, hey! Sh you're okay. You're safe" Tim says stroking my hair. "Luce"
"I'm alive?" I splutter.
"You are baby, you're alive, you're okay. I've got you. I missed you." He says with tears in his eyes.
"I missed you too, it hurts" i wince in pain.
"I'll get the doctor to come babe" he says as he presses the button for the doctor, he then placed his lips against mine and kisses me gently. "You're so strong babe, I'm so proud of you"
Okay so he hasn't seen it, he's not looked into it, I don't want to be here when he does. It's not even that I don't want him to, I can't do it. I can't. I don't know what to do. I'm scared. I'm in pain. I'm so happy to see him, I am but..
"Did you mean what you said?" I say looking at him with my hand on my stomach over my left rib.
"Before? Of course I did babe, I meant every single word of it. Id never lie to you, you are the strongest person I know. You are the love of my life. Although I do have two questions" he asks looking at me.
No. Please. Don't ask.

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