Chapter 9

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Tim's pov
I go into his office to sit down. Unsure of what's to come from this but I don't have a good feeling. I notice Lucy's belt and off duty weapon on the side. I know it's hers because she has a little moon sticker on it. 
"Now Bradford, i appreciate you coming in to speak to me before your shift today. I would like to inform of that of as right now Lucy Chen is no longer an Officer so I will be assigning you a new Rookie when they start. Until then Metro need you to give them a hand." He says
"Understood Sergeant. Id just like how did she seem? And how could just let her walk away like this? She's an incredible officer." I say.
"I mean she wasn't herself but that's understandable with everything that's she's been through, although there was something off. I know how much she loved being an officer so for her to come in and quit it was a shock but maybe the whole Caleb thing has changed her. She avoided eye contact with me which I know means she isn't being truthful with me. Is there something I should know about Sergeant Bradford?" He turns and looks at me.
Now if I lie I'm lying to my superior officer.
"Not exactly Sir, I just noticed she'd not seemed herself for a while and had lost weight then getting engaged super quick i just wanted to make sure she was okay" i say quickly
"Ah yes that brings me to my next point, Officer.. ahem sorry Lucy had mentioned that you had been going over to check on her in a morning. She was under the assumption that it was an order from me so she has asked that it stops seen as though she's not longer an officer. I explain it wasn't an order from me but she still wishes for that to stop." He says
"Respectfully Sir I feel I'm unable to do that, I believe there's something deeper going on. Even before she met this new man, I can't put my finger on it but with him being in her life and them getting engaged so quickly I need to be there more than ever. Detective Lopez has also noticed how she is Sir, and she attempted to go see Lucy. Now she saw her on the balcony of her apartment but once Lucy had saw her car she ran it. Ignored the knocks at the door from Lopez. Lopes tried to call her and Lucy replied back she was at the gym. I've been the only one who she's allowed to see her, and we'd had a conversation about some weight loss tablets I saw on her table. Now she told me she was taking them, that she was unhappy in her body, she needed control but she wouldn't tell me if she was taking them responsibly. She'd also received a message from whom I assume the new man while I was there and it was frightening to say the least.." I get cut off
"Hold on a second Bradford the weight loss tablets, the lying to Lopez, quitting her job, getting engaged within 3 days. Yeah this seems rather odd but carry on with what you was saying" he says
"Exactly Sir, it was like looking at her after Caleb, her whole demeanour changed, she was drip white, shaking. I tried to ask what was wrong but she told me to get out, I attempted again reaching for her hand. She flinched and swore at me. Now I've never known Lucy behave like that.." I say getting worried about her.
"Do we know anything about this guy? His name? A description?" Grey asks.
"No Sir, she hasn't told anyone any of this but we know where they met, she had met him at that bar we all go to" i reply back. Before I can say another word I hear him calling Angela and telling her to go to the bar with a warrant to check who's this guy is.
"Thank you Sir" I reply.
"Hopefully we can figure out who he is and if he has any history." Grey replied. "Now in terms of the rest of it there isn't much we can do with out her reaching out. Just keep being there. Maybe give her a little space for a day or two."
"Yes sir" i get up and leave heading to metro.

Lucy's pov
It's been what twenty minutes and I'm still sat here. I keep looking at Tim's car. I shouldn't have swore at him, told him to get out, he was checking up on me off his own back it wasn't even because of Grey. Why would he do that? It doesn't make any sense. I'm sat here thinking of all the memories. I remember that time Tim had got me with a flour bomb and I got him back exactly here. His little smirk once he did it and I'm so glad I got a photo of him. That time he gave me an evaluation telling me to not let anyone tell me I can't do something not even him.. that one resonates just a little bit too much. I grab my phone and look at photos of me and Tim, me and Angela and Nyla, photos of me and my mum and pappy. I feel my eyes fill up. I message Chris.
Lucy: hey handsome just letting you know I'm currently handing my notice in, not sure when I'll be home. I'll see you soon.
He immediately replied.
Chris: good im glad, you're learning about consequences. Now if you mention anything about me you don't even want to know what the consequences will be.
I see his message. My heart sinks, colour draining from my face. I get out of my car, leaving my phone behind. I just take my earphones and MP3 player that I use for the gym. I put my hood up and just walk.. walk to where.. I have no idea. I eventually end up at the beach. I take a seat, taking in the smell of the salt sea water, the sand, the sound of the waves crashing, the birds, peoples dogs barking, people's conversations, the laughter from little kids. I feel free for just a second, i then hear police sirens. Normally I'd be radioing to dispatch to attach myself to the case to help out but i remember I'm not an officer anymore. I see a metro car, and Tim gets out and goes into this building. I sit and watch for what feels like eternity. He eventually comes out with a guy in custody putting him into the vehicle. For a split second we make eye contact but i quickly turn around, getting up and walking off. Why do I kind of want him to come after to me.. to stop me.. from what I'm about to do..

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