Chapter 61

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Lucy's pov
The bullet pierces through my skin, I feel it all. This pain, I can't describe it. I glance down and i see the shirt covered in blood already, I cant even move my hands to apply pressure. I feel my whole body beginning to feel weak, my legs can barley hold me up. I'm warm, I'm sweaty, I'm tired. I slide down the side of the car to the floor. It hurts.

Tim's pov
The gunshot. The sound. It's a sound I'm used to, I've been in this job long enough. It doesn't affect me but to hear it knowing it's gone into someone that you love..
Time feels like it's frozen, I hear the gunshot, him say "goodnight Lucia", the sound she makes when it goes through her, i keep replaying it.
I half see Angela putting the cuffs around his wrist shoving him against the car as he fights back.
"Grey i need assistance" Angela radios but Grey is already running at her.
"Take him I need to stay here with Tim and Lucy. Find out where that fucking ambulance is!" Angela snaps.
Grey takes hold of the leader with force taking him away. "Aw ruining my fun I wanted to watch her bleed out" he says chuckling as he gets taken away. Grey tries his best to keep his calm as he puts him into the shop.
"TIM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! HELP HER! GREY HAS HIM!" Angela shouts at me snapping me back into reality.
I see Lucy sliding down the car, the blood pouring from where she was shot, her whole body shaking, she's drip white, her nose dripping with blood, her lip bust.
"Shit Lucy!" I immediately lay her down, placing my hands on her bullet wound.
"Baby look at me" i say pressing down. 
Angela runs over gently untying the chain around Lucy's wrists and then from around her neck. Then placing Lucy's head on her lap stroking her hair.

Lucy's pov
I feel Tim placing pressure on the bullet wound, I hear him, I see him. It hurts. I don't want to go out like this. I'm scared. It's getting harder to breathe, I feel my body shaking, my lip trembling. Angela takes the chain off me but I don't even have the energy to move my arms.
"Baby look at me" he says.
I look at him. "Bbbabyyy" i mumble.
"Babe you're okay, Ive got you helps on the way" he says applying pressure both hands.
"Iittt hurtsss" i mumble.
"I know, I know. But you're so strong, you'll be okay" he says reassuringly.
"Whenn you..look into... what he said..don'tt see me ass... weakk" I say as I cough.
"You're the strongest person I know, I'd never see you as weak baby" he says smiling at me.
"Ttt.iimm i looveee youu" i say as I feel breathing becoming weaker.
"I love you too" he leans and kisses me. "You can tell me that later can't you" he says with this reassuring smile but I can see the fear in his eyes.
Every breath I feel myself getting weaker, it's getting hard to keep my eyes open. I don't wanna bleed out.. to lay here, with Tim slowly watching me die, it's like slowly waiting for the inevitable. It hurts, i'm so tired, I've had enough.
"Passs meee your gunn" i plead.
"What? Why?" He says worriedly.
"I don'tttt wanttt to dieee like thisss... it hurtsss... pleaseee" I plead wincing in pain.
"No Lucy. You aren't having my gun because you aren't dying. Help is coming I promise you" he says looking at Angela briefly to see if she can get an update.

Angela's pov
I press the button on the radio for an update, "ambulance is 7 minutes away, I'm trying to get one quicker" Grey says worriedly. I sighs relieved that Lucy can't hear this but I see how much blood Lucy is loosing and panic. Fuck.

Lucy's pov
The pain gets worse, I'm getting so tired. I saw the look in Angela's face, I know help isn't going to make it in time.
My eyes start closing, it's hard keeping them open.
"No Lucy you keep looking at me. You stay awake come on" he says shaking me.
"Mhmm" I say as I try to keep my eyes open. "I'm tireeddd"
"I know baby but the ambulance is coming, you got to keep fighting. Kojo will miss his mummy" he says and I smile briefly.
He applies more pressure on to the bullet wound as he sees the amount I've lost.
"Ow" i wince.
"I know baby I'm sorry, keep them beautiful eyes looking at me, We've got so much to do together. We are going to start our family aren't we Lucy, hey? Our baby better be Chen size and not Bradford size or I'll not hear the end of it for the whole 9 months and when you've had our baby." He chuckled and i giggle slightly wincing in pain.
"You'll look incredible carrying our baby, the day we walk in to that hospital hearing our baby's heart beat for the first time. Think of that. The day we hear our baby cry for the first time. How many are we having baby?" He says trying to keep me awake.
"2" I say smiling at him.
"2 it is" he smiles. "The day I propose to you, which I can't wait to do, the day I say I do will be the happiest day of my life. Our first family holiday, our babies first words. We're going to grow old together babe. You're my one, my true love. The one who taught me what strength is, that anything is possible. I've never loved anyone like I love you. We will be the ones that people say gosh they're still together. You are the most beautiful woman in the world" he says as a tear rolls down his face.
"I'm sure you'll still get me with your Lucy lessons won't you no matter how old we get, you'll be 70 still trying to do undercover missions" he says chucking. I smile. It takes so much energy to smile but he's worth that energy.
"Ppprobs" i mutter. "Iittt hurts.."
"I know babe, just hold on. They're nearly here" he says.
I feel the rattle in the back of my throat when I'm breathing, I know it's close. I hear the birds tweeting. My eyes are getting heavy, my lips are getting dry.
"Baby save your energy, it's okay" he says kissing me.
"I..loveee youuu," I say as my eyes close. I feel my tear roll fall out of my eye.

Tim's pov
She's laid there, so motionless , lifeless. Her skin is so pale, the shadows around her eyes are so dark, her lips a white purple ish colour, the tear rolls down her cheek. Dried blood down from her nose, over her lips and down her chin. Her neck red. Her head resting on Angela's head, she's laid straight, my hands pressed on the bullet wound, covered in her blood.
"HELP ME! WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS AMBULANCE!!" I scream as Angela takes hold of the bullet wound and instantly place my hands on her chest staring CPR. I hear bones breaking but I don't care. I need her. I need her back. I lift her head up, placing my lips against hers breathing air into her and then going back to CPR over and over.
"Tim, the ambulance is here!" Angela says. "It's going to be okay" she says.
"How can you say that?! She's not breathing! Her heart has stopped!" I scream at her. I know she's trying to help but at this point I don't care.
"Tim let's get her on the gurney, and into this ambulance." Bailey says running over.
I lift her up, cradling her into me as i put her in the gurney in the ambulance. I glance at Angela.
"Go! I'll meet you there!" She shouts as she runs to the Grey.
The ambulance door slams shut, I sit behind Lucy, playing with her hair so I'm out of the way. It's chaos.
Bailey is attaching Lucy to the machines, cleaning and wrapping her bullet wound keeping that pressure on it so she doesn't loose anymore blood.
The other ambulance member is giving CPR.
"How long has she been out for?" Bailey asks.
"A minute" I stutter.. "why aren't you shocking her? Come on!" I shout.
"Tim we can't shock her. Not till I wrap this. We're giving her CPR to get this heart going and warm fluids to keep her warm." Bailey says. "She's a fighter Tim"
"Come on Lucy.. come on baby.. please.." I say over and over. "Don't leave me I can't live without you.."
My leg starts shaking. What if she doesn't make it, I can't live without her. She bled out, she said she didn't want to go out that way. I was too selfish to let her take control because I was scared to loose her.
She was scared..

Angela's pov
I'm in the car with Grey, he's driving. I'm too shook up to even drive. We're following the ambulance. It's like it's not happening but it is. It's scary.
"Do you think she's going to make it?" Grey asks, I can see the fear in his face.
"She's got to right? She has to. I mean her heart stopped Grey. It stopped. She tried to ask Tim to let her end it herself because she didn't want to end it this way." I say rambling. I hate that I do this when I'm scared.
"She's strong, she can come back from this. She has to Angela. She's a fighter. Strongest person I know" Grey says trying to reassure me. "I'm guessing Tim wouldn't let her?"
"No of course not but i don't blame him. Id be the same. Lucy will understand that. Did you hear what he said when he shot her?" I ask him.
"I heard the gun shot, I didn't hear what he said. I was too busy trying to get an ambulance. What did he say?" Grey asks.
"I think this was linked to her childhood. The things Mateo said, the name her called her then Chris called her it. Then he did. He said 'goodnight Lucia'. I have a bad feeling about this whole Lucia thing" i say to Grey.
"Crap, but how does Mateo, Chris and now him know about this?" Grey asks slightly concerned.
"Well there was mention of a website that Mateo said to Lucy. Now he wasn't sure on the name exactly so I'm guessing that's what Lucy was stressing about with her laptop the day after the last operation.  If the abuse did happen, I don't think she knew about this website. Maybe they've seen it. I know Mateo told the guy we have just arrested as he was under the impression the sister aka maybe Lucy was going to be there" i say as we get close to the hospital.
"Okay, look this isn't a priority right now. We need to make sure she comes back to us, stays alive. We can worry about this later" Grey says as we pull-up.

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