Chapter 60

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Lucy's pov
I feel my legs shaking, they feel weak. Come on Lucy get it together. I feel Rays force of him pushing me getting stronger, i nearly trip over.
"You're pathetic you know that" the leader says as we approach the car. "The money" he says as he rips the masking tape off my mouth just enough so that I can speak, leaving it on slightly so he put it back on.
"Ow" I say as I feel the tape ripping.
"In the back seat, in the suit case." I say as Ray shoves me again car pinning me to it. Ray puts the tape back over my mouth.
The leader walks over to the back door of the car opening it, he grabs the suitcase. He throws it next to me.
"This money better be in here" he says he punches me in the face. He opens it and sees the money, briefly counts it.
"Very well, Matt bring the drugs and the weapons. Throw them in the back of this car. Put this money in the van!" He shouts and then he turns his attention back to me.
Matt brings over the drugs, and the weapons throwing them in the car.
"Now what to do with you?" He says. "This has been fun. Ray take the money with Matt. I need to speak to her alone. Bring the van over" he says as he pushes Ray off me taking hold of the gun and the chains.
"Yes boss" Ray and Matt both say as they walk over to the van with the money.

Tim's pic
It's a done deal. It's done. We need to get her out. Why aren't we going in. I don't understand.
"Grey?" I ask.
"We go in now, they drive off with the money. It will spook the leader and he will shoot" Grey replies slamming on the desk in frustration of the situation Lucy was in.
"So what? We just let him off? We let him do what he wants to her? Look at her Grey!" I shout.
"Tim calm down. I don't like this just as much as you don't but we need to wait till the van is back over to the leader. Then we see if we can get clear shots."
Grey says.
"And what if we can't?" I reply I feel my heart racing. I just keep staring at her, the way she's pressed against this car, the chains, the blood that's dripping down her face, the gun pressed into her back, this man stood behind her, the look in her eyes, the way her legs are shaking. I don't like this. I hate this. I can't do this. I need her safe.
"Right now we focus on that plan, we just need to be ready" Grey says.
"Do we know what he's capable of?" Grey radios.
"I'd rather not say" Angela replied.

Lucy's pov
"There's so many things I could do to you right now. Reenact the videos of your sister, I could bring you back with me." He says aggressively in my ear. It sends a shiver down my spine, id made peace with whatever he was going to do.
I was tired.
If I survive and it gets out about my childhood I'll loose the one person who makes me the happiest and I can't live that life. He will see me as weak, pathetic, useless. Id have to flee before he sees the videos.
If I die I wouldn't have to live my life without Tim, id not be that burden to him. He would be hurt yeah but he would move on, he would be relieved that his burden is gone.
I don't see any other way.
I feel the cold air on my face, the sun setting ahead, the sky goes a lovely pink, orange colour. And I somehow love the smell of the fuels in the air from the car dealer ship.
He spins me around so I'm looking at him, he moves the gun so it's against my stomach again.
Matt and Ray turn up in the van, part of me hopes he just leaves me like this and turns to get into the van so that I can be saved.
Why would it be that simple. My life's never been simple.
"Or I could leave you here to die.." he says as he rips the masking tape off my face.
"Ow" I say as I feel the tape being ripped again from my face.
"Now which would you choose?" He says spitting at me, pushing that gun in further.
He does the same things my parents did to me and their friends. Not that bad right, I've gone through it before I can do it again. Who am I kidding, it nearly killed me last time. And I don't want Tim to watch that happen to me. He finds it hard enough when i go undercover never mind to watch that happen to me and not be able to help.
I go back with him. I loose everything. He will probably treat me how my parents did. It will be like de ja vu. Tim wouldn't have to watch it, he would move on, but the pain and the guilt he will feel. I don't want him to feel that. He has no reason to have the guilt but I know he would feel like it.
He leaves me here to die, id like to think he would do it quickly but where's the fun in that for him. He'd want to be suffer. Again my mind goes to Tim would watch me die. Maybe this way they can get to me in time and save me.
Now do I go with being treated like how I was in my childhood. I'll survive for now. But long term i won't. Or do I take the risk that I could die right now.
Right now sounds better because Tim can move on quicker. The other option i don't survive long term and I'm already delaying Tims future as he wants children. I was being too selfish and made him take things slowly.

"LAPD HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" Angela, Nyla, Tim, Celina and Aaron run in shouting with their guns out ready.
I breathe. I can breathe.
Matt and Ray immediately put their hands up and Celina and Aaron take them both to the stop without a hassle well, Ray fought a little but Aaron handled himself. But they needed some help so Nyla heads off with them.
"DROP THE WEAPON" Angela shouts.
"Come any closer and i shoot" He shouts. "Step back now" he says.
Tim and Angela immediately step back. I don't look at Tim I can't. If I am going to die I don't want the last time we made eye contact to be now. I want it to be when I left him to go undercover and I told him that I loved him.
"You don't want to do that, you don't want to shoot her" Angela says trying to negotiate.
"How would you know that?" He asks.
"Because you still have something to gain. Holding her like this gives you that leverage right?" Angela says.
He doesn't reply. He just tightens the chain pulling it, I feel it harder to breathe. It was like being back in that barrel, knowing I had to try and conserve my energy and my breath but this was somehow harder. I had the air I just couldn't breathe it.
"You let her go and we will tell the courts you cooperated.  A lesser sentence and you'll be out sooner." Tim says firmly.
My god, it was nice to hear his voice. I needed his touch to, to hear his heartbeat but to hear his voice was enough for now.
I felt like every breathe I took was my last.
"Alright alright I'll come in" he lets go of the chains, he turns around to look at Tim and Angela. The grips lighter I can finally breathe. I breathe fast. It's like I'm free. "But first!"
Then spins back round in a split second he aims the gun at me, pressing that trigger button, I feel the bullet go straight into me. I can't breathe.
"Goodnight Lucia" he says smirking.

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