Chapter 76

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Tim's pov
"Sir respectfully, she's an officer and i get she's missing, that's worrying yes but you maybe need to calm down. No one else is as worried as you" Wayne says. "Maybe you're being too much about of all this."
I see red. I kept my calm with him till now, but that comment. Not only does he not know how to do his job, but he know has the nerve to say that.
I just grab a hold of him against the shop.
"What did you just say to me?!" I shout at him and I feel someone pulling me back.
"Tim let him go, he's not worth it" Angela says as she pulls me back.
"He does not get to stand there after fucking this all up, putting her in further danger all because he can't do his job properly and tell me that I'm being too much!" I shout at both him and Angela.
"Head in the game" Grey says.
"You're lucky I ain't putting you in hospital" i shout at him as i let him go.
"She is not just an Officer for your information, she's an incredible, one of the best undercover officers we have. She is our family and you look out for your family" Grey says.
"I get that sir, respectfully I do. But I don't understand why Tim is being as stressed as he is about her. From what I've gathered she clearly wanted to go. Why can't you let her go?" He says with this attitude.
My hearts racing, the vein on my forehead is definitely showing at this point, i scrunch my knuckles up ready to throw them at him. My knuckles start going red.
"First things first it's Sergeant Bradford to you and two cause she is the love of my life, she's my future. Until you find that soulmate you'll never understand but I swear to god you say another word and you'll be on that floor before you can even blink!"
I shout at him.
He doesn't say anything. He just heads into the shop and sits there.
"Tim breath. Come on." Angela says.
"Where is she ang" i say getting worried.
"I don't know Tim" she says.
"Look at the blood, she can't be doing good. I was sat at home debating giving up and letting her go while she was here in that car.." I say, as the anger subsides slightly.
"Tim let's not worry just yet. Look she has to be staying somewhere for her to have got changed so where is familiar round here?" Nolan says.
"No where, she doesn't come around her" i say.
"So let's go over movements and see what's happened." Grey says.
"She leaves the hospital around 8:17pm, goes to the house, grabs some things, and leaves a letter." Angela says.
"But disappears just as we get there" Grey says.
"Right, where from?" Nolan asks.
"The spare bedroom window, she must have jumped out of it." I say "if only we'd been quicker and I'd not gone out. Or id gone to check on her"
"Tim we haven't got time to be going over what we could have done. We know she goes down the alleyway and she talks to Elsie who says she was bleeding" Angela says.
"I know but if we'd been quicker or if I'd looked down that alleyway I'd have seen her with Elsie and maybe she would be here" i say
"Tim it's Wayne who should be thinking that like that" Nolan says roiling his eyes at what Wayne has done.
"That is true. Now she leaves Elsie, and then gets the vehicle from the rent a car place right?" I reply.
"Correct, I have had officers check their CCTV, she doesn't seem in danger" Grey says.
"That's a good thing" Angela says reassuringly.
"Wayne pulls her over and she's got a bottle in the car, but we don't have alcohol at home so she must have bought it at some point" i reply back, "she must have gone to a shop before getting the vehicle" i say.
"Right I'll get officers to check that 24/7 shop down the road from where she rented the car from" Grey says as he radios for them to go check.
"How did she pay for all this? Her bank card is at the property and there was no payments made on it at all since before the undercover operation" Angela asks.
"It will say on that paperwork she handed to Wayne. There's no point in asking him because he can't even do job correctly" i say rolling my eyes.
"We have to ask him Tim, but I'll do it before you end up killing him" Angela says she heads to the shop to ask Wayne.
"Can we ask the place she rented the car from? They should know?" Nolan asks Grey.
"Go ahead, give them a call" Grey responds.
"Son this isn't your fault, she does seem to be one step ahead though, think you may have trained her too well" he says half chuckling trying to lighten the situation a little bit.
"I didn't need to, she was a natural" i say smiling remembering that first day she came in as a rookie with an arrest before her shift even started, then to the moment she got me back with the floor bomb and then about the apparent missing earrings.
"He doesn't remember" Angela says as she walks back over.
"No surprise there then" I say rolling my eyes.
"Sergeant Grey, officers have checked the 24/7 shop. They have confirmed that she visited. Confirmed the same clothing description that was given when she left the hospital" an officer radios through.
"Thank you, did you check on what items were purchased and how they were purchased?" Grey radios back.
"She bought a bottle of whisky, antiseptic wipes, and some bandages. Not sure on payment type. Some card they said" the officer radios.
"Thank you" he radios back.
"A card? She doesn't have another bank card?" I say confused.
Just then Nolan walks back over.
"A credit card, she used a credit card" Nolan says. I look even more confused. I never knew she had one. I mean it's not a typical conversation but I thought I'd have known if she had one.
"I didn't know she had one, what was the name on it?" I ask.
"The name was Miss Lucy Amelia Chen, and I've looked into it. It was set up when she was 8 years old" Nolan says.
"Can we get a warrant to check other purchases" Angela asks Grey.
"On it already" Grey replies.
"So she goes to the shop, then heads to rent a car, then what?" I ask.
"That's when Wayne pulls her over, then she must leave there and go to a nearby place, gets changed and for whatever reason comes back out and drives." Angela says.
"Then she crashes, leaves the scene just as we get here again" i say. "She's just always one step ahead of us"
"They're working on it to get a warrant" Grey says as he walks back over.
Just then, we notice a young man walking over towards us.
"You okay sir?" I ask him.
"Hi, yes sorry. Are you looking into the driver of this vehicle?" He says.
We all immediately turn and look at him. Some of us debating to arrest him already, some just confused as to what he knows.
"Yes, what's your name and do you know anything?" Angela asks him.
"Name is Andrew Watson" he says as he shows his driving license. "I don't know her but I saw the accident, the way she climbed out of the vehicle. She didn't look well but she seemed destined to get away. I was just wondering if she was okay" he asks.
"We aren't sure, we haven't managed to locate her" Nolan says as Grey looks up his name on the police data base, giving Angela the look to say that he is okay.
"Did you see which way she went?" Angela asks.
"Yes, she headed down that road there" he says pointing ahead. "It looked as if she went into the hotel on the corner?" He says again.
"Thank you! That does help a lot." Nolan says and Andrew heads off saying "I hope she's okay"
Me too. Me too. I really hope shes there.
"Let's go" we all say as we head into a shop.
"Officers be aware, a potential location for missing Officer Chen is The PitchHold Hotel. Myself, Officer Nolan, Detective Lopez and Sergeant Bradford are heading there now. Keep distance as we don't want to spook her" Grey radios through.
I've never felt so nervous. What if she is there? What if she's injured? What if she's unconscious? What if she tells us to go? What if she's not there?

Lucy's pov
I open my eyes not even realising I'd fallen asleep. I wake up on the bathroom floor, in absolute agony but what wakes me up is hearing my name. I hear Greys voice. Then I just jump up as I hear him say the name of the hotel I'm at, that him, Nolan, Angela and Tim... Tim are coming. It hurts like fuck as i jump up.
No. No. How. There's no way. How could they know. The payment for the hotel hasn't even gone through yet. There's no links to me being here. I don't get it.
I don't know what to do.

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