Chapter 22

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Tim's pov
"I hate seeing her like this.. I saw the baby ange.. the baby was smaller than Lucy's palm.. I miss Lucy's voice" I feel my voice breaking.
"Aww Tim, I know.. look why don't you go splash some water on yourself and get some air, I'll go sit with her" she says as she lets go of me.
"Yeah okay.." I walk off to the toilets but as I get there I see Sergeant Grey.
"Bradford" Grey shouts. "How are you doing how's Lucy and the baby" he asks.
"Sir, I'm okay sir it's just hard seeing her like this..and erm she was okay. We was laughing and joking till yesterday.. last night.." I stutter.
"Tim? What happened last night?" He asks getting worried.
"She lost the baby sir.. she lost the baby.." I keep saying it and every time I do it feels like I'm being stabbed.
"Aw I am so sorry" grey says and he pulls me in for a hug.
"Thank you sir..I held Lucy while she had to give birth to this baby.. seeing her jump off that bridge was hard but this.. and I get this may sound wrong but this is worse.. because she was in pain constant.. physical and emotional pain while she gave birth.. and now she's laid on the fetal position not saying a word. She's still in this pain and I don't know how to help her out of this.." I say.
"No it makes sense Tim, it does. I know how you feel for Lucy and I can't imagine how hard it was on you too to hold her through that.. and my gosh poor Lucy.. my heart breaks for her. Please give her my condolences, I don't want to overwhelm her and see her now but when she's up for it. Give me a call" grey replies.
"Of course Sir I will do. I better head back to her. I hate leaving her" i reply back as I turn to head back to Lucy's room.
"Understood but if either of you need anything, and I mean anything at all you give me or the station a call. That's an order bradford." Grey shouts back.

Lucy's pov
I hear the door open, and I know it's not Tim because of the way the steps sound.
"Lucy it's Angela. Tim's just off to get some air and splash his face then he will be back, I just thought I'd give you some company and the opportunity to talk if you needed a girl to talk to.." Angela says.
I say nothing.. I just lay there staring into space. I still just keep wishing and hoping that it's all a nightmare and I'll wake up soon.
"I'm so sorry for your loss Lucy, I can't even begin to imagine how you feel. Every single one of us is here for you Lucy. You don't have to talk to me but just let Tim know how you're feeling. He loves you Lucy and it's breaking him seeing you like this. He misses your voice we all do." Angela gently pats me on the arm as a gesture to say she's here.
I feel tears rolling down my face again.. my throat feels so dry, my head hurts from the crying, I'm still tender from giving birth.. this isn't how it's suppose to be..
"Tims back so I'm gonna head off home but keep that head up high Lucy" Angela says as she leaves. I don't remember anything after that.. I assume I just fell asleep from the exhaustion of everything, the pain, and the trauma.

Tim's pov
After Angela had left I sat in the chair next to her and I must have dozed off. I woke up to the doctors coming in to her room, i look at her and she's still sleeping but she's holding her phone, I don't get why.
"Mr Bradford we have come to do a final check on Miss Chen and then after that she is more than happy to go home." The doctor says.
"Can't you wait? She's currently sleeping, she needs her sleep" I ask them hoping that they can give her that grace.
"I'm afraid not sir, it's important that we check to see how her body is coping." The doctor replies and then gently taps Lucy on the hand. "Miss Chen" he says.

Lucy's pov
I feel someone tapping me on the hand, I drop my phone as I wake up. I rub my eyes.
"Morning Miss Chen, I am so sorry for waking you up but I need to check on how your body is healing can you please roll on to your back and have your legs in the stirrups one last time. After this, obviously if this goes well you can leave and go home. I bet you can't wait" he says smiling at me.
I think Tim sees my panic that I've dropped my phone and he runs and picks it up.

Tim's pov
I see the panic in her eyes once she's dropped her phone and I run and grab it, as I pick it up i glance at it. It broke my heart.
She's stood there in her leggings, a light blue Lacey bra, in the hospital bathroom with her hands placed around her stomach. Her soft dark brown hair tied up loosely in a low pony tail, a slight smile on her face. And it makes sense. The reason why she's been clinging onto it. It's her first baby bump photo.. as I click on it I see the date and time... fuck.. that was literally a couple of hours before she miscarried.. I don't want to intrude or push her too much so I pass her the phone back.

Lucy's pov
I grab hold of my phone in my right hand, I roll onto back, and place my legs in the stirrups.
"Okay I'm gonna the vaginal examination first and then a quick ultra sound then you should be able to go home" he says as he begins the vaginal examination. I wince a little in pain as he does this as I'm still tender, I notice Tim has taken hold of my left hand, and is playing with my fingers in his hand.
"All looks good, and your hymen is still intact" he says smiling.
Oh great i loose my baby but it's fine because my hymen is in tact..
"Okay lucy I'm going to roll your top up, this gel may be a little cold" he says and he starts scanning my stomach. I don't even look.. I can't.. it's like torture having to re do this.. I just want to go home..
"Hmm" he says.
"What is it doctor?" Tim says in his little worried tone.
"There's some free fluid now this could be just down to her uterus shrinking back now and due to the surgeries that she's had so I'm not overly concerned. You can still go home but any and I mean any bleeding you need to bring her back as soon as possible" he says as he wipes the gel off her stomach.
"Okay Miss Chen, you can go home and rest. Now make sure you eat plenty and drink plenty. While you've been here you've been on an IV drip giving you the basic nutrients that you need but it's important you eat once you're home. Any bleeding you must come back in as soon as possible. Ideally if you can stay with someone that would be great, now I wish you all the best and again I am so sorry for loss" he says as he cleans me up and then leaves the room.
I immediately roll back onto my side in the fetal position.

Tim's pov
"Come on Lucy let's go, all your stuff is packed ready. Angela is on her way to pick us up. Now Grey has asked that we stay together while you recover. They're going to do daily checks on us so the choice is completely yours, do you want to come to mine or we can stay at yours? I'm happy with whatever you feel most comfortable with babe." I look at her.. I get no reply. "Lucy..babe come on, we can go home I know you want to get out of here and we can grab you're favourite food on the way home" i say hoping to get something from her. "Why don't we go to mine? Kojo has missed his mum? If you do want to go to yours just give me a sign" I still get nothing. I begin to feel useless that I can't help her, and she won't even acknowledge me. I see Angela walking in with a ballon.
"Hey Angela" I say as she walks through the door.
"Hey Tim, hey Lucy. I got you a balloon now don't think I'm going soft because I'm not hahha. Now are we ready to get out of here? Have we decided where we are going?" Angela asks looking at Lucy.. and then looks at me.
"We're gonna go to mine if that's okay Angela, I think Kojo would like to see his mum" i say as I watch Angela picking up the bags.
"I can get them you know?" I say to Angela.
"Yes bradford I'm aware you can but someone needs to help Lucy walk.." Angela replied. "I'll head to the car" she says as grabs the bags, and the balloon.
"Come on Lucy you need to get up" i say trying to hold her hand to help her up.
"Fine I'll just carry you" i take my jumper off and i lean down and pick her up,  carrying her like a baby. I grab my jumper and hand it to her. She immediately grabs hold of the jumper and brings it to her face.
I walk out of the room, looking back for a second. Thinking about how a couple of weeks ago this is not how I expected things to be. I head to the car. But as I walk out..

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