Chapter 109

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Lucy's pov
"Step the fuck back!" I shout at him and I hear an officer knocking on the door.
"Do you need assistance?!" They shout as they open the door slightly.
I look at Chris for a second as he just stands there staring at me.
"We're fine" I say and the officer closes the door and walks away.

"You have a voice now, you really have changed haven't you?"
"I told you I'm not the one you knew. I'm happy now"
"Yes, my career, my home, my life"
"I'm happy to hear that.  I wish it was with me. I never did get to see your body truly did I?"
"No you didn't, and it will stay that way. I have no hatred towards you and I wish you the best Chris. But this has to stop."
"Can I have a kiss goodbye and I promise I will change"
"Chris I can't. I'm happy with someone."
"Please.. I need to feel you, I need to be around you"
"Chris don't do this. Look I need to go"
"Visit me again, I missed you"
"Goodbye Chris."
He walks towards me slowly.
"Dont" I say firmly.

Tim's pov
An hour has gone by and it has felt like the longest hour of my life. I don't understand where else she would have gone. It doesn't make sense. Where would she need to go so desperately? Why couldn't she tell me she had hurt herself again? I thought she was happy. I've let her down.

I grab my phone and I dial Angela's number again as I pace around the room. My heart racing. I can't shake this feeling that something is off. Something isn't right.
"Tim? Is she home?"
"No. I was hoping you knew something more. That you'd seen her or someone had seen her"
"No nothing. She's in her car right?"
"Okay let me see if she has pinged any ANPR readers, you really are worried aren't you?"
"Something is wrong. I can't shake this feeling Angela. Something is wrong. I just don't know what it is" I say panicked.
I hear Angela sigh deeply through the phone.
"Got something!" She exclaims through the phone.
"WHAT?! ANGELA?!" I shout as I feel my heart skip a beat.
"She has pinged a couple of ANPR readers, I think I know where she is or where she's heading. But it doesn't make sense"
"Tell me. Where is it?" I say as I grab my car keys, quickly sliding my shoes on.
"The prison" she says.
"The prison?!"
"Yes Tim. Don't go running over there, if you go over there and she sees you she isn't going to be happy. She will think you don't trust her. You trust her right?"
"Of course I do but why would she be there? It doesn't make sense"
"I don't know. Look I'll ring them and see what they say okay? Don't go anywhere and I mean it" she says firmly.
"Alright alright. I won't go anywhere I promise. Just find her" I say as I end the call.

Prison? Why would she go to the prison?
Who would she go see?
Chris? She wouldn't.
She wouldn't go see him now, it wouldnt make sense.
She wouldn't risk him knowing she's not who she said she was.
I need her.

Lucy's pov
"I love you"
"Chris I don't love you, I'm happy and in love with someone else. You need to let this go. Rosland knows who you are, you've made it. Well done. Now drop it"
"That was the point yes but I fell for you. When I was told you was pregnant I wanted nothing more than our family together. You should have told me"
"I was in a coma and then when I came around I was told things. Look im sorry that I lost the baby. This is done"
"We can try again. I mean your mum and dad said today that you are struggling to get pregnant and they will get you in a week. They'll pay my bail and we can get together. Start our family. Finally make your parents grandparents."
"They came today? So you knew I was pregnant yet you still decided to ask? Chris nothing is ever going to happen between us." I say as I show him the ring on my finger.
"They did but I wanted to see if you would lie to me. YOURE ENGAGED?!"
"Goodbye Chris" I say as I knock on the door.
He steps towards me, he leans forward towards my face. I put my hand on his chest gently pushing him back.
"I said no"
"You really think you have a choice?"
"I do have a choice" I say as I keep my hand firmly on his chest, staring straight at him. Trying to keep my hand steady.
"One last kiss, I need to feel you" he says looking at me.

The door swings open.
"You finished?" The officer asks and I nod my head.
"I have thank you" I say smiling at him as he takes a hold of Chris, I remove my hand from his chest.
"I love you" Chris says, I walk out of the door and I watch as he takes Chris out of the room.
"I love you" Chris says and I roll my eyes.
I take a couple of steps forward then I hear something.
"Lucia hold up"

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