Chapter 66

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Lucy's pov
I quickly throw the radio in my bag.
I can't go out of the front. What if it's Tim or Angela or someone from the station? I jump up instantly grabbing my bag. Think Lucy.
That's it.
I turn to the spare bedroom window and i open it. I know this is going to hurt but it's actually the best way. I was going to have to get to this little path way anyways so I can just sneak through the bushes in our garden.
I throw the bag and out then climb out. I stand for a second leaning against the house. Fuck that hurt.
I pick the bag up and run through the bushes onto this ginnel. It's hidden so I don't have to worry about being seen.
I glance back looking just that once more at what was suppose to be my forever home. My future families home. I feel a tear rolling down my face as i turn to walk away.
I start walking, bag on one shoulder and my arm over my stomach from the pain I was. Surely these tablets kick in.
As I walk around the corner, an elderly woman more than likely in her 80s walking up towards me. She was this gentle look, dark blue baggy pants, a white t shirt on, a dark blue coat, and some black pumps on. She had this radiant smile about her, her hair short, almost fully silvery white.
"Hey dear" she says as she looks at me, I smile hoping to just carry on walking.
"Dear?" She says and she puts her hand out towards me, I take a hold of her hand. And I smile.
"Hey sorry are you okay?" I say smiling
"You're okay sweetheart, and I'm okay. I just had a feeling to reach out to you. You seem lost" she says looking at me.
"Oh no I'm okay really" my cop instincts kick in. "What's your name?"
"It's Elsie, what's yours sweetheart? And I know you're lost. You're scared, I can see it in your eyes, you're also in pain with your stomach, you're bleeding" she says concerned.
I look down and see the blood, I wrap my coat around myself.
"It's Lucy, and it's fine I'll figure it out. Oh that, it's just a stitch that's come undone I'm off to the hospital to get it checked"
I don't know I said my name but I felt like I couldn't lie to her.
"That's a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman, whatever it is don't feel like you have to do it alone. If you have someone who you feel safe with talk to them. Tell me. I lost my grandson to suicide, I wish he felt like he could talk to someone. And please go to the hospital." She says pleading with this sad look in her eyes as she was talking about her son.  I take her hand gently and we sit at this bench. I knew it was risky but she needed someone.
"I'm so sorry for your loss. I truly am. I've been where your grandson was, it wasn't anything you said or did. It's not that he didn't feel like he couldn't talk to you about it, well for me anyway, it was more the fact the pain was unbearable, you can't see a way out. You have this, I don't know, this fear that you'll forever be seen as weak and as a burden" i say looking at her.
"I appreciate you saying that darling, it makes me feel less guilty. I am sorry you've been there, are you glad you're still here?" She asks.
"Life's full of ups and downs, now is a rough patch but I'll see it through" I smile.
"Please do, now I must go but Lucy it was lovely meeting you and I'll see you again right?" She says as she starts to get up.
I pull her in for a hug mindful of my coat.
"Elsie you keep that beautiful smile on your face. It's radiating. Now if you struggle with absolutely anything at all if you go to 91 Kingston villas, there's man who lives there. He's a police officer, a sergeant. One of the very best, he has a good heart. He will help you" i say as I hold her close.
"Thank you and you keep going. And I'll remember that thank you, do you know his name?"
"I do, Tim Bradford" I say as I smile.
"Look after yourself sweetie"
"You too" i pull away and she walks off.
I sit down. Unable to move. Was that a sign to go back.. is this the universe telling me that maybe I can handle it. That it will work out. I just sit looking straight ahead.

Tim's pov
The games finished, we're sat talking about the game and then i realise..
"Wait we need to go to the hospital now" i say worriedly to Wesley as I stand up.
"Hey no she's fine she will call you if she needs you. Come on Tim you know she's okay " he replies trying to reassure me.
"No she can't call, she doesn't have her phone. She left it at the house before she went undercover. She has no way of contacting us. What if something's happened to her?!" I start panicking.
"Shit okay calm down Tim, look if it was anything serious the hospital would have called. Ill call Angela and get her to head there now and check on her for you. She's closer. And her sister can watch jack. Now sit down. You're gonna give yourself a heart attack." Wesley says as I sit down. I know he's right. If it was anything serious then they'd call but what if she had a panic attack or needed something. Luckily we're sat outside so it's not too loud. He calls Angela.

Angela's pov
I'm sat with my sister and it's actually nice to actually not watch the game for once. My phone rings and it's Wesley.
"Hey you all good?" I say worriedly as I didn't expect to hear from them.
"Hey yeah we're fine but I need you to go to the hospital and check on Lucy." He says.
"Why what's happened? Has she rang you? Wait don't answer that if she rang Tim would probably be getting arrested for dangerous driving. Why do I need to go?" I say slightly concerned.
"She doesn't have her phone, she left it at home before she went undercover. Tims just had that realisation that she hasn't got it. And I'm trying to stop him from having a heart attack so please go check on her. Take a spare phone that we have in the draw. She probably is fine but you know him" he says placing his hand on Tim's shoulder.
"Shit, I thought she had it. I didn't even get the stuff from theirs. It was from ours when she stayed last time. I'll take a spare phone and head there now. She will be fine but please make sure he doesn't have a heart attack. One of them stressing about the other is bad enough never mind two" i say rolling my eyes but also half giggling.
"That is true. Wait till there's two mini versions of them running around" he says chuckling.
"Tell me about it! Oh you got told? I need filling in when I see you!" I say smiling.
"Yes my love I will" he ends the phone.
Shit. She will be fine. He's probably just stressing. But it was surprising she was so happy for him to go after the whole ordeal. I thought she'd want him close. She normally does.

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