Chapter 57

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Lucy's pov
My heart drops, I feel my heart racing, I feel sick. I can't let Tim know. Fuck.
I turn around, and I see my mum and pappy walking in. He taps my mum on the shoulder on the arm. I barley hear what they say.
"Shut it. You can't call her that. Not here." My pappy aggressively says. 
"Lucy dear!" My mum quickly says in this chirpy voice that she does.
I feel Tim tighten his grip on my hand, he looks at me. "I'm fine I just didn't expect them to be here" i say quickly before he can say a word.
"Lucy I didn't say anything?" Tim says concerned as to why that was my immediate reaction.
"I'll be two seconds" i say as I let go of Tims hand and walk towards my parents.
"Hey mum" she gives me a hug.
"Hey pappy" he also gives me a hug.
Normally I felt safe when they gave me a hug but this time I felt on edge.
"I didn't know you was coming?" I ask looking at them.
"Oh dear, you think we came here to support you? No we came to see the man who was willing to give us our grandchild. You're too busy working for a thankless job to even think about starting a family. Although you did fail at it didn't you?" My mum says. I'm took back. Does she mean she knew Chris? was she in on this? Id never second guessed it before but after discovering the website I'm not so sure.
"Mum? I'm sorry I had a miscarriage, it's not a thankless job. I have a partner, we're happy and we want a family. I just needed to get this court case over with. But I can't believe you came here to see him. You know him?" I ask, I know that if I don't ask her I'll regret it.
"Yeah you should be sorry you lost our grandchild. Please don't tell me it's with that mentor of yours? And no I don't know him, but once you told us what happened, we wanted to come and see this." My pappy says.
"Yes it is with that mentor, he isn't my mentor anymore. He's my boyfriend, and he makes me happy. Don't you want that for me? Look what about next week you come over for a couple of hours and meet him, and we can go from there." I say as I glance back at Tim. He's just staring.
"Fine we will come but don't be getting your hopes up sweetheart. He will realise how weak you are and leave you too. Look how weak you was as a child and then with Caleb and with Chris. You don't learn" my mum says.
I mean was she wrong, I was weak as a child, with Caleb and Chris. But before I can even say a word. We are all told to take our seats as the court will start in 5 minutes. I turn back and sit down next to Tim. My parents sit at the back.
"Hey you all good?" He asks looking at me. "What was that all about?"
"Oh nothing, you know what they're like about my job. I've arranged for them to come next week to meet you if that's okay?" I ask nervously.
"Of course it is, and can I ask you something?" He says as he takes hold of my hand.
"Sure baby". Fuck.
"Is that a nickname your parents give you? My parents gave me embarrassing nicknames" he says smiling.
"Oh now you have to tell me what yours were" I say giggling, hopping to avoid the awkwardness of that conversation.
"Maybe I will do" he says smiling.
Thankfully the judge comes out, we all stand.
"Order everyone take your seats" the judge shouts.
I sit down, I feel Tims grip get tighter.
"Bring Chris Stanford to the stand"
Out he comes, in his prison suit, his hair shorter, hands cuffed behind his back, maybe a little slimmer but that look in his eyes was still very much the same. I swallow deeply.
He looks at me, he smirks. I don't let him know he still affects me. I keep my eye contact firm.
The next part of the whole court case is a bit of a blur, I'm watching it and I'm listening but it's like I'm outside of my body. Till all of a sudden I hear
"Well clearly I have affected her enough for her to be hiding up there and not coming to the stand" he says chuckling.
I feel everyone turn and look at me. I stand up, I feel Tim pulling my arm down.
"May I come to the stand?" I ask looking at the judge. I see Angela and Nyla looking at me, they shake their head.
"Yes miss, can someone let her through" the judge says looking at the security.
I walk towards the gate, I feel everyone staring. I already know the earache I'm going to get off Tim after this. But how can I let him say that and then just ignore it. My throats dry, I have no idea what to say or what to expect.

The security open the gate, and one of them walks me to the stand.
"Miss for the record can you please state your name, age and occupation." The judge says.
"Miss Lucy Amelia Chen, age 29. Occupation a detective for the LAPD" i say remaining this expressionless face.
"So you lied about quitting the police force?How can I be prosecuted when this clearly shows you're a compulsive liar" Chris smirks. I know what he's doing. He's trying to get a rise out of me.
"Mr Stanford you are in thin ice, anymore of this and you'll be sent back to your cell and we will continue with out you being here. You will just answer recorded questions. Understood? Miss Chen you do not have to respond to that if you don't feel comfortable" judge says looking back at me.
"I handed my notice in with immediate affect to Sergeant Wade Grey. Now due to the circumstances I was in due to the recent abduction, Sergeant Grey did not accept my request as he believed that I was struggling mentally which was an accurate representation of how I was." I replied.
"Sergeant Wade Grey is this correct?" The judge asked.
"That is correct. When Miss Chen had entered the station and informed me that she was leaving with immediate affect, I knew this was unlike her character. She is strong, resilient and strong willed. From her first day as a rookie she was a fire cracker, and very determined. Not only this but due to information I was told about Miss Chen from colleagues I discovered about a potential domestic abuse. That is when instructed officers to look into Chris Stanford" Grey replied.
"Understood. Mr Wesley Evers I believe you have evidence into the sexual assault and for intent of rape. For the record we have discussed the physical abuse, and emotional abuse. Evidence was provided, which included photographs and screenshots of conversations. What evidence do you have of this?" The judge asked.
"On screen is a written statement from a doctor at the hospital, who has given an extensive description of the incident and his professional opinion. Not only this, but Sergeant Bradford who is here on a personal relationship basis and Detective Lopez here can vouch for this. They was there during the hospital visit" Wesley responds as the written statement is shown on the screen.
Everything goes silent while the judge reads this.
"Detective Lopez is this accurate?"
"It is"  Angela responds.
"Miss Chen, is this accurate?"
"That is accurate" i respond.
"Miss Michelle Days you are here representing Mr Chris Stanford, now I believe you have two points in this case that you would like to make"
"That is correct, now Miss Chen seen as though you are on the stand may I ask you this question?" Michelle asks looking at me.
"Go ahead" i respond maintaining my calm, I knew I couldn't let them see a moment of weakness in me or they'd use it against me.
"Now disregard the way you got pregnant for a moment but was pregnant correct?" She asks.
"Yes that is correct, I was informed once I regained consciousness from the medically induced coma"  I say, admittedly I'm took back by where she could be potentially going with all of this.
"2 weeks at the time of the regaining consciousness and 7 weeks and 5 days into the pregnancy you miscarried?" She asks looking at me. I see Chris with this almost disgusted look.
"That is correct" i say as I take a deep breath in and swallow deeply.
"Now did you know you was pregnant at the time of you jumping of the bridge resulting in the induced coma? Was your intention to kill yourself or was your true intention to kill yourself and your baby?"
She asks.
I see Nyla Grey and Angela looking shocked at the fact she has just asked that. I can't even look at Tim. Or the disappointed look I'd get from my parents. How can she stand there and ask me if I wanted to kill my baby... my baby.. my star. I instantly play with my chain around my neck, fuck she's gonna know it's a weakness. Shit.
"Judge i don't think that's a fair question" Wesley stands up saying.
"I think it is, did she intend to kill her and my clients baby as some sort of revenge?" Michelle asks more firmly.
"No I didn't know I was pregnant till I was informed at the hospital once I regained consciousness. The miscarriage wasn't intentional. I had no control over that and believe me I wish I did because I'd anything for my baby to be here still" I say. Come on Lucy remain calm.
"It wasn't just your baby, it was my clients too. And I think we can all agree it was immoral of you to not inform him of the pregnancy or the passing of his baby" Michelle says as she presses the button on the remote. The next slide loads. That's it. My heart instantly shatters.

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