Chapter 26

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Tim's pov
I walk in carrying Lucy, i place her on the sofa with a little blanket wrapped around her. Of course Kojo goes and sits on the floor in front of the sofa. "I'm just going to go make the bed Lucy, shout me if you need me" i say looking back as I walk into the bedroom. I close the door to, and take the bedding off replacing it with fresh bedding. I spray my aftershave around in the room as I know my scent keeps her calm. I walk out of the bedroom with the bloodied bedding and I put it in the washer. I see her looking over. "Lu you okay?" She just nods. It was better than what she was giving me. I went and sat next to her and she immediately cuddled in. I stroked her hair while I put Top chef on. We sit watching it for hours, i mean half the time I'm sat watching her watch it. It gets late.
"Let's go to bed" i say as I get you holding her hand, she reaches for me and I pick her up taking her to bed. I place her in the bed, i then go into the bathroom, putting toothpaste on the brush and coming back. I hand her the toothbrush and she brushes her teeth. I go into the bathroom once more, brushing my teeth, cleansing my face. I walk into the bedroom, I smile at her. Surprisingly she's still sat up, i change into a pair of shorts and a tank top. I pass her some pjs. I debated giving her a pair of hers but I know she'd probably want mine. I turn around to head out to give her that space. I close the door to. I head into the little bag that Angela had brought Lucy and grab her hair brush. I wait around 5 minutes before knocking to let her know I was coming back in. I sit beside her on the bed, turning her head as I brush her hair gently. I turn to put the brush on the bedside table and I see that she's laid back down and is in the fetal position. She's laid there in the light blue top that's way too big on her and a pair of my black shorts. I just admire her beauty for a second before I lean over and kiss her on cheek. "I love you Lucy Chen" I say. I didn't even realise I'd said it, it just felt so natural. I tuck her in and I get into bed. I sit there for a second. Thinking did I just push her too far.. was that too soon... before I can even have another thought..

Lucy's pov
I lay there.. did he really just say I love you Lucy Chen. Surely not.. am I still in this coma. It didn't sound forced it.. just seemed like he naturally said it.. I do love him too. I mean he's seen me in some right states now and he still loves me. It baffles my brain as to why he does. I mean I'm overweight, I'm depressed, I've got scars, I have a DOD tattoo on my skin, I fail at pretty much everything. But I've somehow made the hard ass TO Tim Bradford turn into a big softie and have feelings.
I sit up, I lean towards him, I see his piercing blue eyes looking straight at me.. his defined jaw, his soft lips directly in front of me. I press my lips against his.. I pull back before he even has a chance to do or say anything... "I love you too Tim Bradford" I say smiling at him.

Tim's pov
Did she.. did Lucy really just kiss me and tell me that she loves me. I mean I always imagined how our first kiss would be.. this wasn't how I expected it to happen but somehow this is everything and more.. the fact she felt comfortable and she truly believes it for her to have kissed me like that. Her lips are softer than I thought, the way her big brown eyes just looked at me before she kissed me..
I lean back towards her and I place my lips against hers, kissing her while i stroke her cheek with one hand and play with her hair in the other. I feel my heart racing, I've never felt this way before when kissing someone.

Lucy's pov
I feel him lean back towards me, his lips gently placed on mine, as he kisses I feel his hand stroking my cheek and playing with my hair. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back.. I never thought  I'd be sat in Tim Bradfords bed kissing him, with this amount of love and intensity. I never thought he'd want me. I've never felt this way when kissing someone it's like an out of body experience but I also feel everything so intently. We kiss for what feels like eternity but it was probably around 2 minutes. We both fall down into bed, i roll over and he cuddles into me. "Goodnight babe" I hear him say. "Goodnight handsome" i reply.
I lay there.. I feel him stroking his finger down my arm...I just keep going over it in my head. Me.. little miss no body.. kissed Tim.. that TO that was a hardass. He told me he loves me and I told him I love him too. Our first kiss. Our first I love you. Never did I think this would be how it went but it was perfect. I eventually nod off to sleep.

Tim's pov
She rolls over on to her side in the fetal position, I cuddle into her stroking her arm. I can't shut off, that was our first kiss.. our first i love you..I've never been so caught up in a first kiss or a first I love you before. She's special. She really is. It's the only thing apart from the whole consequences thing that she's said. And she chose to say that. Man when did I get so lucky. I eventually drift off to sleep keeping her close to me.

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