Chapter 107

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Lucy's pov
"Hi, I'm Officer Lucy Chen badge number 28537" I say as I flash my badge at her.
"Officer Chen, how can we help?"
"Is it possible for you to let me through to see a inmate?"
"Of course, may I ask which inmate and the nature of the visitation." She asks smiling at me.
I have to do this, after I leave here I can go do what I need to.
Breathe Lucy.
It will be fine.

Tim's pov
"Fuck" I mutter as I look down seeing the blade laid in between the tissues, I need to find her. The blades clean but I know this is the one had she have used or why else would it be in her jeans.
Tears roll down my face, I genuinely thought I had happy Lucy back..I thought she was back...
I need to ring her, I need to find her.
She wouldn't be going to do anything..why would she pinky promise to come home if she was going to do something...
What the fuck did her parents say to her...
I should have watched the videos..I should have pushed her to prosecute sooner, not allowed her to see them today.

I grab my phone and ring her number again, the dial tone blarring through the room.
My heart racing faster and faster after every dial tone.
"We're sorry 'lucy' is unavailable to take your call. Please leave a message after the beep"
"Lucy it's me..again...I need you to call me the second you get this, I fucking love you Luce. I need you to come home"
I end the call.

I dial Angela's number, within two dial tones she picks up.
"Tim?" She says worriedly through the phone.
"Ange I need your help"
"Hey what is it? What's going on? Did you talk to her?"
"I..don't know where she is..." I say panicked.
"What do you mean you don't know where she is? You said she was at home and you was going back inside to talk to her? What happened?!" She exclaims.
"As I went to go inside, she was going out.  I tried to ask her to stay, I pulled her back towards me...she said I hurt her...I didn't understand it at the time but now I do...she said she needed to go do this..she pinky promised to come home but..."
"But what Tim?!"
"I..well Kojo kept barking at the washing machine..I didnt think much of it but then I decided to was a shirt she was wearing earlier covered in blood on the sleeve...the shirt was wet so I'm guessing she tried to clean it...I found the was in her jeans pockets..thats what she meant by I hurt her...I grabbed her did I not see it...Ange I thought...I thought we had happy Lucy back..."
"Hey Tim breath. Okay let's think bad is the blood on the shirt? And where would she have gone so desperately? Have you tried to call her?" She asks as I frantically look around the room and bedroom looking for any clue of where she would have gone.
"It's's bad ange...why couldn't she tell me? I have no idea, I'm guessing she isn't at the station? And obviously yes Angela. I've called her twice. Nothing. I even text her earlier when I went to walk Kojo" I snap at her.
" shes not here, and alright Tim. Look we will find her okay?"
"I can't lose her Angela. Not now." I say as I feel my heart shatter.
"You won't, I'm tracing her phone as we speak"
"Thank you Angela. I'm sorry...I didn't know where else to turn.."
"I know it's okay, I'm here okay?"
"Thank you" I say as I take a deep breath in.  I walk into the bathroom one more time.

"Tim..her phone.." she says before I interrupt her.
"It's here.." I say as I punch the wall. "fuck!"
"Now what?!
"Tim I need you to calm down"
"I can't..."
"Do it for Lucy."
"Alright alright...the beach? The cliff?"
"You think she's gone that far?"
"I don't know, the things her parents have done in the past and now this..I know I would struggle to cope.."
"Alright I'll send officers there. Look do you want me to loop Grey in? I can come stay with you till she turns up?"
"Stay there. I need you to find her Angela."
"Alright..if you change your mind you call me okay? Please keep calm, and stay at home in case she comes back"
"Yeah I will do. Please keep updated on everything"
"I will do. She will be okay Tim"
"I hope you're right" I say as I put the phone down.
She has to be okay.

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