Chapter 30

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Lucy's pov
"I'm gonna head in the shower real quick, I meant to this morning but I slept in" I say to Angela.
"Yeah no worries, did Tim keep you up?" She asks.
"No we went to bed early but I think due to the first week being out of hospital I' was just having constant nightmares so I'm catching up on sleep" i say as I grab some clothes to change into. I head to the bathroom, turning on the shower. I get undressed, jump into the shower and quickly get out and dried. I throw on a long sleeve black top and some black leggings. I brush my hair and my teeth. I leave my hair damp as it will be easier to deal with later, i quickly throw my hair in a little bun. I head out of the bathroom and I see Tim walking over to me. "You look good baby" he says as he kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you" I smile but before I can even say another word, Angela is dragging me into the bedroom giggling.
"What Ange?" I say as she closes the bedroom door.
"Chenford? You kissed? Excuse me?!" She says smiling to herself.
"Shhh" I say smiling."Look we aren't together okay.. it was a kiss on the cheek"
"Yeah that time" she says winking at me.
"We really aren't together, but yes we've kissed okay. That's as far as it's gone I promise you" I say as I sit in front of the dressing table.
"Okay okay, I believe you. But how was the first kiss? Who kissed who" she said excitedly.
"Oh this is why you came over really?" I say because as much I want to just scream all about it how it's like being able to kiss Tim Bradford, that we've said the I love yous, that we've mentioned children kind of, we both decided to take it slowly and cherish these moments just for now till we figure out what's happening and besides we aren't together. "And Angela you said 5 hours this is you distracting me which therefore makes you as bad as bradford" i say smirking.
"Fine you got me there". She says.

A couple of hours has gone by and I've done my hair and makeup, Angela has done her makeup. I know it's time to get changed but I somehow feel uncomfortable asking Angela to leave. With Tim I know he knows how I feel but I don't feel like going into that with Angela. I trust her but nows not the time. I reach for my phone off the side. Hoping that Tim will hear it.
Lucy: hey babe, we're almost ready. I need to get changed then we're all set after you get changed.
I press send, i then go back to making out like I'm touching my makeup up.
"Hey it's only Tim. Lucy can i come in and speak to you?"  He says
I immediately get up and open the door.
"I'll give you a minute then we need photos before we set off as it's now 5:30" Angela says.
He walks in and kisses me. Closing the door behind himself.
"Hey babe you okay" he says.
"Yeah I just needed to get changed.." I say looking down.
"It's okay babe, look I'll take a couple of ties out and ask her to pick which colour? She knows the colour of your dress right" he asks.
"Yeah babe she does" i say holding his hand.
"Okay then babe I'll do that, and when you're ready come out. But babe can I just say something." He asks.
"Sure babe" i say as I pass him couple of his ties from his draw.
"You looking gorgeous, I'm so lucky to have you" he says as he kisses me, i kiss him back.
"Aw babe you're going to make me cry now get out there before she blooming asks me anymore questions. I feel like I'm a witness or something" i giggle shoving him gently towards the door.
He walks out and immediately goes up to her before she can go in the bedroom.
I quickly grab the dress I'm going to wear and I put it on. It's a navy blue long skin tight dress at the top that flows down at the bottom, it has a slit in the leg that goes up half way on my thigh. I quickly concealer and powder any marks or scars on my legs. I have a slightly darker Smokey eye on, with a nude lip. I still have on the chain and pendant that Tim gave me. I put some dark blue feather earrings in and spray myself with my favourite perfume, alien. I walk out of the bedroom and I see Tim immediately turn around. He immediately walks up to me, and takes my hand spins me round.
"Lucy babe, you look unreal" he says as he kisses me on the cheek. "Im trying so hard to make out with you right now" he whispers in my ear.
"Lucy you look absolutely Devine" Angela says. "Now come over here! Wesley can you take our photo please".
I see Tim head off into the bedroom. I go up to Angela and we pose for a few photos.
"Lucy can you come here a second, I need help with my tie" I hear Tim shouting. I roll my eyes at Angela and head to the bedroom. Closing the door behind. He stands there in this dark black suit, white shirt, and a dark blue tie that matches exactly to the shade of my dress. His hair styled so perfectly and of course he smells incredible.
"Tim.. you look hot" I say as I lean to kiss him. He immediately kisses me back passionately. "Mm Lucy" he whispers between the kisses.
"We're gonna have to go Tim because detective out there will be on to us, she's already interrogated me and i bet she has you too" i say smiling as i grab my phone.
"One more thing lucy" he says as he grabs his phone too. I look at him puzzled and then I see he put his camera on.
We took a couple of photos on both of our phones. I got a cute one of Tim kissing me on the cheek, me kissing Tim on the cheek, one of us kissing and then the casual photo we took that we could actually post without being questioned.
I post on my story with 'Nolan and Bailey's engagement 🎉' he on the other hand wasn't the smartest, I noticed he put 'engagement party' as the caption.
"Timothy Bradford!" I shout as he goes to leave the bedroom.
"Uh oh" I hear Angela saying in the other room.
"Yes babe" he says as he turns around.
"The caption.. read it.." I say rolling my eyes smiling.
"Ohhh.." he quickly deletes it and changes it.
"Right guys whatever dilemma is going on in there we need to leave in 5 minutes as Grey is now here and id like a photo of us all please" Angela shouts.
I walk out with Tim. "Yes boss" we both say at the same time and immediately start giggling.
I see Grey and Luna stood at the door.
"Lucy you look breathtaking dear, it's lovely to see you again" Luna says as she's gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"So do you" i say as I smile. "Sir" I say to Grey as he gives me a hug too.
"You look lovely Lucy and Tim you scrub up well" he says as he gives Tim a handshake.
"Thank you" we both say at the same time.
We all take a few photos before Angela gets all stressed that we're going to be late.
Tim immediately takes hold of my pinky and we start walking out. Followed by Angela and Wesley, and then Grey and Luna. I don't realise how far ahead we've walked till I hear them giggling and I turn round to see them stood taking photos of us.

"Chenford!" They all shout giggling.
Me and Tim roll our eyes and I say "shall we give them what they want or shall we get them later".
"As much as I want to kiss you right now I think it'll be funny to watch them all night" he says as he opens the door to the limo and helps me get in.

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