Chapter 58

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Lucy's pov
There on the screen, the two photos load.
In front of the judge, myself, Angela, Nyla, Grey, Wesley, Chris, his lawyer, Tim, John, Celina, Smitty, Aaron and my parents. I didn't think they'd show this, how can they have possibly got away with this. This is far too personal. That was suppose to be a personal thing. I look around see this shock on everyone's face. A slight shock sigh came from a few peoples mouths. I felt sick. I hated this. I needed them off the screen but the damage was already done. This couldn't be taken back, they've seen it, and it's not exactly something you can forget. It's not every day you see this.
The first photo was fair enough as id posted this one. Understandable. The second one. I didn't even know existed. This photo i had no clue existed. Why was i never told. I should have been told.
The photo of my baby.. my baby..on the screen for everyone to see.. so small, so fragile laid on this little beige blanket.
Why did I not know about this photo. Where has it come from.
I feel a single tear drop fall down my cheek.
"Look at it Lucy! Look at our baby! Our baby that you killed. You should be the one on trial" Chris shouts at me.
"Take it off. Take it off" is all I can muster out.
"Order Mr Stanford!" The judge says as she turns the screen off. "Any other questions Miss Days?"
"No your honour" miss days replies as she takes her seat.
"Very well, Mr Stanford do you please guilty or not guilty to coercion, intent to rape, force of a pregnancy, domestic abuse, intent to kill detective Chen, physiological abuse?"
"No guilty" Chris says with a smile on his face.
" After looking into this evidence and hearing all of the evidence. And seeing and hearing you Miss Chen, I find it hard to believe that you think you are not guilty Mr Stanford and your temper throughout this court hearing has further clarified that you are indeed Guilty. Therefore Mr Stanford I believe you are guilty and I am charging you first degree on all accounts. You are to reprimanded to life in jail, with a possibility of parole. Security take him down" she orders.
"Miss Chen my apologies about what you have been through and for that photo to have been shown. I will ensure it is dealt with and I shall send you the copy. I know that can't take back in the impact of the photo being shown but I hope it can help" she she smiling at me.
"Thank you" i say still in shock about what's happening.
"Court dismissed!" The judge says loudly and leaves.

The officers and security go to Chris and begin taking him out of the court room. Suddenly I feel my heart drop when I hear..
"Lucia nice videos on that site" followed by a chuckle as the door shuts. No. No. He's seen them. It's going to come out, I know it is. I can't stay here if it does. If this comes out I'm transferring stations and I'm out of here. I leave the stand, walk through the gate, past Nyla, Angela, Wesley and Grey, up through the middle of the seats. I remain looking forward avoiding eye contact.
"Lucy I'm so sorry" I hear John say as I walk past. I keep going.
Tim tries to grab my hand as I walk near him. I flinch and pull my arm away from him.
"Lucy it's me, it's Tim" he says again trying to reach for me.
"Please just give me a minute" i say as I walk off and straight up to my parents who are trying to leave.
"Wait" i say to my parents as I get close to them. "Come?" I say leading them to an empty room. Thankfully they follow and come in, I shut the door. Okay this isn't how I thought I was going to have this conversation with them. I know I don't have long before someone out there breaks this door down, more than likely Tim.
"The website" is all I can say.
"Oh you found out?" My mum says looking a little nervous.
"Yes I found out, I found the website. What the fuck? Explain to me. I don't understand. The abuse and everything was bad enough but the website? Why?" I say looking at them as a tear falls down my cheek, heart is still racing, my mind is still going around and around. I can't process this.
"Took you long enough, you're suppose to be a detective. Although you can't tell anyone because one you can't prove it was us and two it won't end well for you. You know that. You'll loose everyone. They'll see how weak you are." My pappy says chuckling. "It was sad to see our grandchild like that, I hope you can keep our next grandchild alive. We can't wait to have our grandchild stay over can we babe" he says as he kisses my mum.
Little do they know I can prove it, I found enough proof to be able to prosecute it. But they're right, everyone would see me as that weak little girl, the way I've shown to everyone how strong and how determined I am will all be for nothing. The damage is already done. They know that if it came out I'd run, and if they think that they would even see their grandchild let alone have them stay over then they've got another thing coming. I don't care how it looks to everyone else, a mother saying no to their parents wanting to see their grandchild. Over my dead body.
"I wont. I know I can't tell anyone or prove it. But what I can say is, I will not ever let you have visitation to my future children." I snap back. Fuck. Lucy. You can't snap at him.
Just then he slaps me across the face.
"Oh you will. You won't have a choice. How bad will it look to all your friends and to your boyfriend that you're stopping your loving caring patents from seeing their grandchild" he says.
"He's right Lucia" my mum says smiling.
"Please don't call me that" I say nervously.
"Or what" my pappy says as he pins me up to the wall.  
Normally my police instincts would kick in, but I know him. I know what he's capable off and if I do fight back everything will come to light.
"Nnothinggg" i stutter. He drops me.
"Sort your face out, when we leave you can go. I'll see you next week"  my mum says.
"We love you" my pappy says as leaves the room with my mum smiling.
I wipe my tears, and take a deep breathe and head out of the room and down the corridor.

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