Chapter 85

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Tim's pov
"Tim?" I hear Angela as she runs to up to me.
"Son what's going on? What happened?" Grey says greatly concerned.
I can't loose her.. I've just got her back.. I want to go back in to that bubble with her..why is she so scared of her parents to the point she's in there..
"Tim?" Angela says again.
"Sorry.. i erm.. I found her, she told me that it was because of her parents all of this.. she then didn't want to break a promise I made with her hence why she didn't come.. she was genuinely petrified of her parents.. I said we had to come here because I could feel her heart rate slowing..and.."
I feel Angela wrap her arms around me.
"We got I was getting her out of the car.. she started seizing... they took her in and I've heard nothing.. what if.."
"Tim it's okay, she fought the hardest battle of coming here knowing how scared she was" Grey says.
"Did she say anything about why her parents scared her so much?" Angela asks, I know exactly what she's doing. She's trying to distract me from potentially loosing the love of my life but I need to find out why she's so scared.
"No she didn't say, just that if she came back it would make us all think she's weak and put her, me, our future children in danger" i say.
"That doesn't make any sense, there has to be more to it" Grey says.
"Whatever it is, it's worse than we thought" Angela says.
"But we can't go to her parents I promised her I would only do it on her terms.." i say.
"Okay, and what was the promise Tim?" Angela asks.
"Well when we was in here last I jokingly asked her to promise that the next time we are in here would be for our first babies first scan" i say half smiling at the fact of that happening one day.
"Awww" both Angela and Grey say.
"I know and I know what she's like for keeping promises but I didn't think she'd take it this far" i chuckle slightly.
"Yeah but you know she's stubborn and loves the bones of you so she wouldn't want to break that promise to you" Angela reassured me.
"But what if because of that we loose her?" I say worriedly.
"You can't think like that" Grey says.

A couple of hours go by and then this doctor walks towards us.
"Family of Lucy Chen?" He asks.
"Yeah" I say immediate standing up, I know I wanted them to hurry up and come see us. But now he's stood in front of me about to tell me the fate of mine and Lucy's future is petrifying.
"How is she?" Angela asked.
"She's stable, she will be waking up soon" he says.
We all breathe this huge sigh of relief.
"Thank you" i say shaking his hand.
"But we do need to discuss something in regards to her health" he says as he gestures us to sit back down.
We all immediately sit, and it's almost like that sigh of relief has chopped in half.
What did he mean in regards to her health?
She's alive I know that and she's stable but what does he mean?
"What is it?" Grey asks.
"When you brought her in she was seizing, and it was a quite a severe seizure as she stopped breathing and coded. We managed to get her back" he says.
I just feel sick at the thought of her coding again.
My god is she a fighter.
"We noticed the stitches from before had come undone slightly now its a good job she cleaned them and put the bandage on or she'd have probably bled out before the car crash even happened"
"Smart cookie our girl" Angela says.
"Her body went through a huge trauma recently and then the car crash which I'm surprised she didn't suffer with more life threatening injuries than she did."
Again we sigh at the fact that she was smart to clean them and bandage them knowing it was risky her going into a shop when she didn't want to be found by anyone.
And at the fact the car crash didn't cause too many life threatening injuries obviously it caused some but she was lucky.
"Her heart is struggling with the trauma, and the malnutrition, dehydration and now we've detected probably a huge amount of stress. I really do advice that she takes it easy for at least a month or two to allow her body to fully heal. The stress needs to be cut down majorly. She needs to eat and drink more. I know from her records she has found this hard so I suggest that if you do fail to get to her eat and drink more you either bring her in or you get in touch with a physiatrist" he says.
"But she's okay?" I ask him.
"Yes right now she is but you need to take on board everything I've just said." He says.
"Tim don't bite my head off but I'm going to ask the question that we all know Lucy would want us to ask him" she says half smiling.
I roll my eyes and so does Grey because we know exactly what Lucy would be asking him right now. I can almost hear her voice saying it.
"Can she go to work?" Angela says.
"I'm aware her job is a high stress job, but I am understanding that she would prefer to be working?" He asks.
"Yeah she's stubborn, and calls herself miss capable"
I say rolling my eyes and we all kind of chuckle at the image of her saying it.
"Very well, I'd suggest that she has a couple of days off and then does desk duty for at least two weeks then slowly build her back in. But that's only if she eats and drinks. Any dizziness or feeling under the weather she stays at home just as a precaution, for the next two months." He says.
"Thank you, can I go see her?" I ask him.
"I just need to do a final check on her, then you are more welcome to go see her. I'll come and grab you when she's ready" he says as he walks off.
I just turn and look at Grey and Angela.
"She's okay" i stutter out.
"She is but son it's going to be a tough two months, getting her to eat and drink, she's going to fight you on some of it" Grey says.
"I know" I say.
"How can we get her stress down though? We don't know the extent of the stress or what the whole parent this. Yes we have an understanding but we don't know the whole thing" Angela says.
"I don't know. I'll try and talk to her" i say nervously thinking about how it could go down.
"Ooo can I have her as my wingwoman detective when she does desk duty" Angela says with this huge smile on her face.
"You read my mind" Grey says chuckling.

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