Chapter 105

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Tim's pov
I see the car drive out of the street and out of sight. I wanted to go after her, I wanted to go see where she was going but I had to trust that she wouldn't break that pinky promise. I know how much they mean to her.
I turn around and walk back towards the front door, I grab my keys from my pocket. I unlock the door and walk in, shutting the door behind me.

Kojo is sat on the floor by the washing machine,he barks as he sees me walk in. "hey buddy" I say to him, thinking he would walk towards me but he doesn't.
But I didn't think too much of it, he didn't always come to me.
Lucy on the other hand, he was smitten with her. He always has been.
I remember when we came home from the hospital and he immediately ran to her. He knew something was up that day, and the day she left. He always seemed to know if something was different with her, I used to be almost jealous that he would run to her and not me.  But it just made it clearer to me that she was the one. He had never been like that with anyone I'd been with before.

I walk towards the bathroom, the doors shut and I open it. The floors damp, the room feels warm. I look around and nothing seems to have really moved other than the towel that was hanging up is no where to be seen. I guess I was hoping for some sort of sign, I don't know.

I walk back out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, immediately going to my bedside table. I pull open the draw and inside is the negative test. I sit down and I just stare at it.
That one line staring at me, I don't know how Lucy took another test like she did. Especially with her mum stood watching her like she did. I can't even imagine what truly happened in that bathroom. I wish I knew.
I just wish she was pregnant and we wouldn't be in this situation. I want nothing more than for us to be happy and growing our little family together.
I glance up and look at the photo frame on the bedside table. The happiest day, my arms around Lucy's waist and hers around my neck. The sunset in the background, the sand, and the sea. Our noses touching, the biggest smiles on both of our faces. She looked incredible. The day I asked her to be my girlfriend, the day I knew she was the one.

I place the test back into the draw on the bedside table, I stare at it for another minute debating whether to throw it in the bin. To forget it ever happened, to pretend like I had never had it.
I can't.
I shut the draw and just lay back into the bed staring at the ceiling. I know she hasn't even been gone long but it feels like she's been gone for ages. I just want her back home.

I hear Kojo barking, I immediately jump up and speed walk out of the bedroom hoping to see the front door open or to see Lucy standing there.
But no.
I look around him and he's sat in front of the washing machine still. "Kojo you're okay buddy" I say as I walk towards him, I bend down and stroke his head. He barks again. "Buddy what is it?"  He barks again looking towards the washing machine. I look around, his food bowl and water bowl is full. I open the draw and grab one of his treats and place in front of him. He just stares at it.
I crouch down to him, "Buddy hey shall we go for a walk?" I say as I stroke his head gently. I stand back up and walk towards the front door, I grab his lead off the hook. "Kojo here boy!" I say firmly and he walks over. I attach his lead to his collar, I open the front door and I walk out, locking the front door behind us.

I pull my phone out of my pocket as we walk down the street.
I text Lucy.
'Hey babe, just letting you know I'm taking Kojo for a walk. He's acting a little off, I'll be home soon. Hope to see you there when I'm back. I love you Luce, we will get through this'
I put my phone back in my pocket and I carry on walking. The air is cool, the sky's gradually getting darker. The stars more visible, I look up and stare at them. There it is, the star next to the moon was shining that extra bit brighter than the others. Lucy and her star. Id noticed it before, the day Lucy after she lost star and then when she went missing. It broke my heart a little seeing it. I hope she was looking up at the sky tonight too whatever she is doing.

After about 30 minutes I head back towards home, and as we get to the drive way Kojo immediately starts running towards the front door, dragging me along. I know she isn't home, her car isn't there. I wanted her to be home. I needed her to be. I quickly run behind Kojo, I open the front door and I take his lead off, placing it back on the hook. I close the front door and as I glance down I notice he has already ran off towards the washing machine.
I grab my phone from my pocket, not a single notification. I click on our chat and she hasn't read it. I hover above the call button debating whether to call her or not but I know she said she wanted space. I could tell that she was kind of getting annoyed thinking I couldnt respect the fact that she wanted space. I decide against calling her and I place my phone down on the side.

I sigh deeply, and I grab myself a glass of water and I head into the living room. I sit down on the sofa and I turn the TV on. Top chef immediately comes on, I switch the channel over to the sports channel as I know that would be the deal breaker. I watch the game that was on, trying to keep my mind occupied on the TV rather than Lucy. I know she's strong, and I know she handle herself. Of course she can go out on her own, just today and how she seemed earlier I was worried about her.

I look around for Kojo once the game has finished, I can't see him. Normally he sits in front of the sofa with us but he isn't. I grab my empty glass and walk into the kitchen. As I place the glass into the sink, I see he has fallen asleep in front of the washing machine. "Kojo" I say quietly and he lifts his head up looking towards me. "hey bud you okay?" I say as I stroke his head and he barks looking at the washing machine once again. "Alright buddy I'll look" I say as I open the washing machine door.

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