Chapter 82

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Lucy's pov
"I love you too" I say feeling my voice break. It feels like my whole body is just collapsing.
I need him to that I love him, that I'm okay as can be. I don't know what this means.

Tim's pov
I instantly start crying.. I didn't think I'd hear from her again yet alone them 3 words. Angela is crying, and even Grey has teared up. Angela just grabs a hold of me and pulls me in for a hug. It feels like my whole hour is just collapsing. I love that girl.
"Lucy..I love you so much" i say with my voice breaking.
"I know and I love you too" she replies.
It goes quiet for a second as i think we both don't know what to say, I've got so many things to say, to ask.
I eventually break the silence by asking her the one that I really want to know.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask her. The reply back.. just..
"I'm okay as can be, you saw the bathroom silly so you know I'm hurt but I can't go to the hospital" she says.
"Why can't you? I'll be there with you if you want me to be. Babe you're in pain, you're hurt to the extent we don't know. You need to go" i say, i half giggle at the fact she's just said I'm silly for asking that. That sounds like my Luce.
"Because I don't break promises" is all she replies back.
"What are you talking about?" I say confused.
"I promised you that the next time we would be in hospital would be for our first baby's first scan. You know I don't break promises" she says, i can hear the panic in her voice and the pain.
"Baby don't be silly! I need you to go so that you can get checked, that way you can be healthy and ready for when we have our baby" i say to her laughing slightly at the fact that's the reason why she won't go to the hospital. But it breaks me that she's in so much pain and she's willing to suffer all because of that promise. It was a jokey promise but I know her, she doesn't break them.
"I know but as much as I love you and I miss you, coming back would hurt you.." she says nervously.
"Babe, what do you mean? How would coming back hurt me? My life's been hell since you left" I say confused as to what she means by this. I thought she left on her own terms. Was she being made to leave? Surely not. She'd have given her signal at the cameras or something.
"I want to tell you.. I want to tell you why.. but that would hurt you too, and you'd see me as weak. I also can't have our children because I'd be putting them in danger" she says.
"Babe what do you mean? Where are you? Is there someone there? I'm coming to you" i say panicking, I can see the worry and confusion in Angela and Greys face.
"I'm alone, I'm by the river. I'm safe." Is all she says back.
"Babe.. you can talk to me.. what would hurt me? What would put our children in danger?!" I say seriously panicking. She's scared.. I haven't known her be this scared before. I mean yes she was scared when I pulled her out of that barrel but she wanted me. This level of scared is like no other.
She doesn't say a word.
"Lucy?" I say.

Lucy's pov
I just want to say it's my parents but how daft does it sound? After everything I've been through recently with the abduction, the abuse from Chris, my miscarriage, my suicide attempt, the gang leaders, the undercover operations, the court case. And yet here I am petrified of my parents to the point I've had to leave my home, leave my future behind.
"Lucy" I hear him say.
"I can handle it" i eventually say.
"Lucy? Who is it?" He says.
He knows I can't lie to him.

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