Chapter 127

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Tim's pov
"Save her. Do what you have to do. Just save her please" I say desperately and they nod their heads, leaving the room. The door shutting behind them.
I just fall back into the chair, the rooms silent. I don't have words, it's like the airs been sucked out of me.

An agonising 3 hours go by, not a single word is said in this room. The only sounds were from the cryingz and the way we was breathing. The sniffling. My heart beat was so loud in my head, trying to block out all the thoughts I was having.
I failed her.

"What if I did the wrong thing?" I blurt out breaking down the silence that was truly defeaning us all.
They both look at me with this puzzled look on their face.
"What do you mean?" Grey asks me nervously.
"Telling them to do whatever they have keep her alive.. she wouldn't want to be hooked up to machines..she'd hate to not be able to work anymore..she'd feel like she was failing...look at how she was before..when she felt like she was failing.."
Again the silence creeps back into the room, it's like I could hear their minds racing trying to find the right words to say.
"She's alive Tim, we can't give up on her yet. Shes still fighting. She just needs some help" Grey replies eventually breaking that silence back up.
"She's stubborn Tim, you know how she is for asking for help. She was in a coma last time and she came through didn't she?" Angela half smiles at the fact Lucy was stubborn for asking for help. She always wanted to do it herself, helping others before herself even though it was hurting her.
"This is know this is different. The way her body reacted...they didn't ask for life saving measures before..what if they were thinking she wouldn't make it..."
"You're telling me that woman is anything but extraordinary, she's the strongest person I know. She won't give up so easy, not when she has you" Angela says smiling at me.
"She's right Tim, she's our hot shot detective. She's family and she always sets the bar too high for anyone to come near to her. She will do this" Grey says as he places his hand on my thigh. 

There's a knock at the door and then a nurse walks in looking at us with this plain expression on her face.
"Do you guys need anything? Food? Some water?"
I just shake my head.
I can't think about anything else, other than the fact she's laid there. Struggling to stay alive, surrounded by all these strangers, scared. And I cant even be with her.
"We're okay thank you" Grey says as he smiles politely at her.
"The doctor is on his way through to you" she says as she smiles softly.
"Is she.."
The door opens and the same two doctors walk in, expressionless. They was better at hiding their emotions than what we were. I thought being in a similar profession I would be able to detect and decipher how they was feeling. What the verdict was. Whether she was alive.
I couldn't tell.

"Mr Bradford" he says as he nods his head at me.
" is she?" I plead, hoping to know that she's okay. That she's with us. I can't do this. I can't live without her. I need her. It's selfish I know but I love her, I can't do this without her. We were supposed to get married, I wanted to propose to her. I wanted our family. I wanted her to be truly happy in life. Experience true peace, she deserves it.
"She's alive.." he says.
"Thank you. Thank you!" I say as I smile at him.
My baby is alive. My Luce. She fought.

"Told you Tim. She doesn't give up" Angela says smiling.
"Can I go see her?" I say as I stand up, I just want to run down and pull her into my arms. Never letting go of her again. It's like a boulder has been lifted off my chest, like time is finally moving again, the light in my life was back.

"You can, we just need to talk to you first."

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