Chapter 110

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Tims pov
After what feels like eternity my phone rings and I instantly answer the call.
"Angela?" I say trying to keep my breathing steady.
"She's in interrogation room 93.."
She needs to get out.
I can't have her in room 93. I promised myself she would never be in room 93 again. Not after every time has been in that room. After she jumped, when she went into cardiac arrest, when she seized, when she went in a coma, when I had to tell her about her baby. I'm not doing this.
Before she again even say another word I interrupt her. 
"Fuck. Get her out"
"Tim hold on you don't even know who she is seeing yet?"
"I don't care who she is seeing, get her out of that room now! I promised myself that she would never..." I feel like I can't breath. My breathing becoming almost impossible.
"Tim breathe, you need to calm down. Talk to me, explain why she can't be there in that room."
I take a deep breath in and out.

"Angela.. when she was in hospital every time we nearly lost her she was in room 93. The cardiac arrest, the seizures, everything.  Every time since I have refused her to be in that room. I mean god Angela even the hotel room was 93. Something isn't right!"
"Fuck. Okay. I know this is something you feel strongly about because I know you aren't superstitious. Look I need you to remain calm when I tell you who she is going to see"
"Don't say it.." I say quieter, why..
"I don't understand it myself, I mean if it was to do with her parents why him?" She says confused.
"No" is all I can say.
"Tim she's with Chris. Why?"
"I dont know. I don't.." I feel my voice crack, I hear the worry in her voice.
"I know..they said she seemed fine. That she smiled and everything."
"She's good at hiding how she feels.." I say softly.
"I know she is. Look just wait for her to come home"
"Alright Angela. If the prison call I want you to call me straight away"
"I will do Tim. She has to be okay you know"
"I know" i say as the call ends.
I just stare endlessly at the wall.

Why the fuck would she go see him? After everything that he has done to him? Why so desperately? I thought it was going to be Mateo? He was the one who discussed her childhood? The one that made her realise about the website? But if she saw him it would blow her cover, he said he she wouldn't see him.
I don't understand.

Lucy's pov
Keep walking. Keep walking.
I keep looking straight ahead as I walk forward, straight towards the doors. The doors open as I get there and I walk through.
"Lucia this isn't over"
The doors slam shut, I turn and look through the glazed window. The window allowing myself to look through without them seeing me. 
My heart drops, sinking to the pit of my stomach.
He can't..surley...
I'm not in uniform...he won't know.

I turn back facing the exit, the same officer that greeted me looks directly at me.
"Hey are you okay? You look startled?"
"Erm yeah no I'm fine, may I ask who is here to see him?"
"No, not Chris."
"I'm not at liberty to say"
"Look I'm detective Chen, I was undercover and the reason him and Ej was arrested. I need to know if I'm safe"
"Oh wow you're that detective!"
"I'm sorry?" I say looking at her confused.
"No it's nothing bad! I just remember when they was brought in and we was told your name. Everyone spoke about you for days, you have a lot of admirers and a lot of people who have huge amounts of respect for you"
"Oh wow thank you, but honestly I was just doing my job."
"You should be so proud of yourself, let me go see who is here to see him."
"Thank you" I say smiling at her as she goes to check her computer.
I look down at my watch to see the time, fuck I haven't got long.

She walks back over.
"Okay so it's someone under the name of Lemar" she says as she looks at me.
"Great" I say as I sigh, shaking my head.
"What is it?" She asks me.
"I'm pretty sure Mateo has figured out who I am and Lemar was also there when it all went off. Lemar had a shorter sentence so I'm guessing he will be running all the other deals while Mateo is inside. Long story short I am not safe but I will manage. Thank you for telling me. I appreciate it" I say smiling as I turn to leave.
"Wait, you shouldn't be going if you're unsafe. Do you want me to call someone from the station to come pick you up or I can get one of our officers to drop you off home?"
"No you're fine. I can handle myself, plus I don't want to worry my partner. He is already worrying that I'm out" I say half giggling.
"I insist. Myself and everyone here has a lot of respect for you as I said but we also all have your back."
"Please. I'm honestly fine. But thank you"
"I understand, please be safe"
"I will thank you" I say as I walk out of the door and head straight towards my car.

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