Chapter 84

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Tim's pov
I just sit there with her laid on my chest and it just feels like we're in that bubble. A bubble I know we will to burst but for now I just want to soak in every single second of it.
We've been sat here a good 10 minutes, not saying a single word. Just being with each other.
"Lucy?" I say suddenly as i am subconsciously counting her heart rate as I hold her wrist. I feel it slowing, and it's getting slower. I know it's getting to the stage where it's dangerous, and I know as much as she doesn't want to we are going to have to go to the hospital.
"Mhmm" she mumbles tiredly.
"We're going to have to go now, we can come back later" I say as she slows lifts her head off my chest. "We will figure everything else out later, right now let's just focus on making sure you're okay"
"Okay" is all she can muster out.
I move my arm slowly from behind her and i grab her hand bag. I put my arms ready to pick her up and carry her down to the car.
Would she let me? Of course not. She's as stubborn as they come.

Lucy's pov
I see him out his arms out to pick me up.
"I it" i say as I stand up. I see a flash then pitch black than I see Tim still stood with his arms in front of him.
"Mhm can you" he smirks.
"Don't underestimate me" i says as I go to take a step, luckily I manage about 10 then I stop. I feel like I've ran a marathon.
He walks behind me with his arms ready to catch me at any point.
I look ahead and see how far the car is.
"Hm maybe you can pick me up or we will be here all night" i say breathlessly but also trying to make sure he doesn't know that it's because I can't do it.
He instantly picks me up cradling me to his chest. He walks down the hill and straight to the car.
"I've got you" he says as opens the car door placing me in the front seat and putting my seat belt on. He puts the bag in the back of the car.
He goes and gets in the drivers seat.
"I.. don't.. feel good.." I mumble.
"I know baby, we're nearly here. Keep talking to me" he says as he puts one hand on my thigh. 
It feels like the longest but also the quickest ride ever.

Tim's pov
I pull up and immediately park the car as close to the front entrance as I can.
I jump out of the car and round to Lucy's side, an ambulance has just pulled up at the side of us.
"Here we will get a bed for you" one of the crew says.
"Thank you" I smile as I open the car door.
They take their bed out of ambulance so that it's easier for us to take her in. They see Lucy tip her head back.
"Sir let us in" they shout as the take Lucy out of the car. They instantly pick her up and place her on the bed.
Her whole body starts viscously shaking, her head going back, her eyes rolling back.
"Lucy!" I shout as they start wheeling her in, I run i behind them.
"What's going on?"  I say panicking.
"She's having a seizure what's her name so we can pass it on. You need to stay here!" One of them says as they pass the gurney to a doctor.
"It's officer Lucy Chen" i say and then they're gone through the double doors.
I just freeze.
"Tim?" "Tim?"
I look up and it's Bailey.
"Hey, are you okay" she says concerned.
"It's Lucy.." I stutter.
"Sh hey it's okay let's go sit over here and you can tell me what's happened. Have we found her?" She says as we go sit down.
"Yeah.. you know about the car crash she was in?" I ask her.
"Yeah, i also saw the photos of the car crash as Nolan sent them to me to ask if she would be okay" she says.
"Yeah I found her, she went to a hotel, once she knew we was coming she fled. Then I managed to find her, we was talking, she laid on my chest as that's how she feels safest. I felt her heart rate slowing down...I thought she was just calming down... and..."
"Tim breathe. She probably was calming down, that girl is in love with you" she says reassuringly. "What happened?"
"I eventually get to her come here, she wouldn't let me carry her down the hill to the car but she did about 10 steps then asked me to. She was half talking on the way, then when I went to get her out of the car. Another ambulance crew saw us and offered for me to use their gurney.. then.. as they placed her on it.. her head went back, the colour went from her face, her...eyes rolled back. She was shaking.. her whole body..I.."
"Okay, look it's a good job they was here and she's in the best place. It sounds like a seizure and I wish I could say why but there's a hundred different reasons. Now can I call someone for you?"
"Yeah call Angela and Grey they need to know"

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